The Rescue: Part Three

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"You're scared. There's no need to be. Well, at least not yet." All For One circled around a fear-paralyzed Izuku as he towered over him. "You're an intelligent boy, so I see no point in trying to trick you or lie. I won't say you're guaranteed to leave here alive, but you are safe for the time being. And if things go well, you'll be alive and well for quite some time. Let's start with questions."

Izuku didn't say a single word. He just stood there, staring at the floor. All For One realized that he wasn't going to get anywhere with this. 

"Hm? Nothing? Alright, I'll help. The first question running through your head, is 'how am I going to escape?' The answer is, you won't. The next is, 'Why did I only choose you and Bakugou?' That answer is that taking all of your little team would be troublesome while in my condition and with all my medical supplies around. As to why Bakugou is here, we'll get to that in a minute" All For One chuckled.

All For One made it back to Izuku's front. "And finally, you're asking 'How are your loved ones going to react to your death?'. The answer, is that all depends on how this little talk goes. There are multiple more questions than that, but those are the most important. Is any of that accurate?"

Izuku still stood in silence.

"Good. Now since that is out of the way, we can get down to business. The reason you are not dead yet, is because I'm going to succeed where Young Tomura didn't. And then, you will do the same." He watched Izuku's face flinch at that, likely out of confusion. 'Good. A reaction means he's listening.'

"What I mean by that, is that I'm going to recruit a new member to the League of Villains. A new leader. I would very much like that leader to be you." If Izuku was confused before, he was entirely lost now. "Now, don't get me wrong. I do care for Tomura. He was the best choice to be my successor. It would be ever so poetic, even if you don't know why" the villain chuckled.

He walked back over to his medical chair and sat down. He lifted his hand, and another chair flew in from the shadows right behind Izuku. "Please, take a seat. I'd like to explain myself, and I wouldn't want you to grow uncomfortable." Izuku continued to just stand there. All For One leaned forward, "Sit down."

Izuku did as he was told. 

"Thank you." All For One fell back into his seat. "You were quirkless, correct? You show no signs of any other quirk besides One For All, so I believe I am right in my assumption. Quite the setback in this society. Most people think the quirkless are defective, useless, problems, mistakes, etc. People like him," All For One said, gesturing to Bakugou on the ground. "You're scars are caused by them. And no, I don't mean those scars caused by your fool of a teacher/my nemesis. We'll get to those later. What I'm talking about is your real scars. The ones you hide. The ones that have faded from your body after the years. The ones permanently burned into your mind no thanks to the likes of him and all others born with quirks," he said, once again gesturing to Bakugou on the ground.

"How much pain have you had to endure throughout your life? Physically, mentally, emotionally. The source all runs right back to this society. The ones who have hunted you down, the ones who hate you without ever even speaking to you, and of course, the ones who blatantly ignore you. The ones that don't want to even acknowledge that you exist. They don't even want to please the thought of the quirkless, the weak, the powerless. You hate them. I can see it. I can perfectly view the fire in your eyes whenever you think about it all. When you realize that nothing has changed since you obtained One For All. You only found friends, happiness, and compassion when you received a quirk. You think that if you were still quirkless, all the friends you have now would just throw you to the wayside. Which is most likely true."

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