Part 39

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RANDI and NANCY sit at a campfire and ERLE is stirring a pot over the fire. BELINDA is writing in her copy of the codex.

RANDI CONT'D (sighs loudly): Nothing happened.

NANCY: Okay, so it didn't work. We can always try tomorrow. It's not like we're going anywhere anytime soon.

BELINDA: You guys are impossible. We're supposed to be finding clues.

RANDI: Isn't it past your bedtime?

BELINDA: I don't have a bed time.

ERLE: I bet Lucy would be pissed if she heard about that.

BELINDA: Well, she isn't here.

ERLE: She knows about your late night strolls. You can't really think she'll just forget that you're obsessed with finding clues.

BELINDA: Hmph. Just so you know I came up with a theory that may solve everything!

RANDI: A theory, huh? Lay it on us.

BELINDA: I think we're all part of a something bigger. Something way more mystical than anyone of us can imagine!

ERLE: Like?

BELINDA: We're part of a cult! We have to sacrifice a goat to get us back home!

ERLE: Sacrifice a goat? How would we even do that?

BELINDA: First we'll have to go to a place to find more information about rituals and then-



RANDI: We're not doing this. I'm not participating in this.

ERLE: Are you alright, Randi?

RANDI: I will be if you drop the subject.

BELINDA: Okay, so Randi is fine and doesn't wan to do any homework. Big whoop. So what I want to do is go to the archives and find information about rituals–


BELINDA: And then we'll try to do some sacrifices and see whe–

RANDI: Belinda!


RANDI: We are not doing any rituals! It's dangerous and reckless–

Erle puts a hand on Randi's shoulder.

ERLE CONT'D: Whoa, Randi. Calm down. Aren't you always doing dangerous and rec–

RANDI: I will not calm down. I may be reckless but I'm not that reckless. No way in hell are we doing any sacrifices.

BELINDA: You don't have to join–

RANDI (yells): I said no. No one is doing a goddamn ritual!

Erle and Belinda fall silent and stare at Randi. Randi's breathing is ragged and shallow. Randi stands up abruptly before storming away.

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