Chapter 13: You're Hot Then You're Cold, You're Yes Then You're No...

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(Y/N): "...Why do I hear shitty pop music?"

I'm just gonna blame the fact that I am, in fact, gonna have to face Todoroki. I mean, I fought her dad before, but that was less of a fight and more of a very aggressive disagreement on how to do hero stuff. He said to do things professionally and I said 'fuck you, I don't listen to abusive matchsticks'.

Yeah, that didn't end well.

Now then...How the fuck am I gonna be able to fight todoroki? The other fights were short enough that I didn't run out of smoke, and I was able to absorb Bakugo's explosions to recharge, but todoroki...I've seen how she can use massive amounts of ice without any fatigue.

Hell, I don't even know which even know which Quirk is better against her. I mean, with neon, I can use precision so I don't drain as fast, but smoke packs more of a punch, and I'm more adept with it.

...Screw it, going with neon.

Jumping into another vent, I search around for my room, and when I find it, I start shaking the water bottles until I hear a clicking from inside of one of them. Emptying it out, a blue glow stick falls out, and I absorb the neon from that.

(Y/N): "They never said I couldn't do this..."

Tossing the empty bottle up, I turn around, and blast it down the middle, through the cap.

(Y/N): "Good. I haven't gotten rusty."

Leaving the room and heading towards the arena, I'm stopped by an angry Bakugo.

Bakugo: "HEY! BASTARD!"

(Y/N): "Hello, BAKAgo. What do you want?"

She then grabs me by the shirt, pulling me closer to her face.

Bakugo: "You'd better not lose to that Half-N'-Half Bitch, You hear me?! If she beats you, then I'm gonna kick your ass!"

(Y/N): "You couldn't in the ring, So I don't know how you could now."

She growls at my snarky remark.

(Y/N): "I don't think you realize something, Katsumi."

I think I see a slight blush on her face when I call her by her first name. It'd be cute if she wasn't a hair away from attacking me and undoing my masterful strategy.

(Y/N): "I have a limited amount of fuel, remember? Your explosion could recharge me, but her? What can I use against her?"

Bakugo: "Keep her off the ground, you idiot. From what I've seen, she needs to be touching the ground to use her stupid ice."

(Y/N): "...Wow. You actually gave me advice, and called me something other than 'bastard' for once. We're making progress!"

She then turns away angrily.

Bakugo: "Whatever! I just don't want you to Lose! That'd make me look bad!"

(Y/N): "Yeah, sure. Hey, can you turn this way for a sec?"

Bakugo: "The hell do you want, Bast-"

I cut her sentence off with a kiss on the cheek, causing her to go completely red and threaten me with tiny hand explosions.

(Y/N): "Thanks for the advice~."

Oh god, Midnight must be rubbing off on me, AND NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY.

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