scene 32- "easy"

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They had finally gotten out of the castle, tears still streaming down his face. They were now sitting together in Hyrule Field, outside of the building site.

Zelda was still trying to calm him down, and he was letting her help. It seemed as if he was only letting her do that because he couldn't find the strength to protest. Fair enough.

He was curled up against her, now only shivering a bit. She decided that she'd probably bring a different person with her to the Champion's Hall. She wasn't looking forward to it herself. It scared her, too, seemingly not as much as it scared him. Maybe it was because all he remembered of that area was the Calamity. He didn't remember what it was like before, and she did.

That would make sense. But it didn't explain why he reacted the way he did. Was it just pure fear? Probably. What else would it be? He had just bolted. But what about when she found him? He was freaking out about... something. He said he was dying. Was he remembering his death again? Or did it just feel like he was dying? It was probably the latter. That would make more sense.

After a while of sitting there, his breath evened out, and she realized that she should probably get back to the others.
"Would you be okay if I went back to the town? Are you good here?"
He nodded.
"I'll see you later, then."
"You too."
She turned and walked back towards the castle, immediately checking on everyone's progress.

He sat huddled up on the ground, watching her walk away. He sighed and laid back on the grass.

If only he could just leave... leave this world. Both worlds. This one and the other one with the others. If he stopped existing, then he wouldn't be able to think these stupid thoughts and freak out over stupid things. Everyone else would have a much better life without him there to ruin everything.


He pulled the sword out of the ground, forcing a smile onto his face. It was getting harder and harder to pretend he was okay.
"Hi, guys."

Legend raised his hand slightly, engrossed in a game of cards. "Hey."
Wind jumped up from the makeshift table, throwing cards all over the place. "Hi! It's been a while!"
"Really? Didn't feel like long."
Wind ran over and punched him lightly.
"Well, I guess two days isn't that long."

Wild laughed. It was rather forced. He hoped it didn't sound forced.
"Well, I'm here now."


The group sat around the campfire, laughing and telling stories. Well, most of them were laughing. Wild wasn't.

Everyone was asking each other questions, and there was one question that Wild hoped wouldn't be asked, but he knew it would be.

"So, Wild, do you know your family? What are they like?"
His eyes widened at the question, though he had been expecting it. His hands held tightly onto each other, and they wouldn't unlock, so he had to speak.
"Oh. Well, most of us don't know our family, so you aren't alone."
"Are any dead? Didn't think so."
Time raised his hand a little. "Actually, I'm pretty sure my parents are dead."
"And I live with my grandma."
"I used to live with my uncle. He died."
Wild looked up at all of them and sighed.
"It's not like that. I used to know them, then I... forgot them. And they died."
"So what? You don't f**king care, do you? I sure doesn't seem like it."

Wild stood up, fists clenched. He stepped away from the campfire, then he stopped and fell to his knees, sobbing.
"It's my fault... it's my fault that they're dead..."

The others just looked at him, wide-eyed. Twilight stood up.
"I've got this. You can keep talking."
They were silent for a moment, then they awkwardly resumed the conversation.

Twilight crouched down next to Wild, who promptly pushed him away.
"Wild, it's okay. It's not your fault."
"How do you f**king know?"
"I... okay, first tell me how it's your fault."
Wild didn't reply, instead glaring at him with teary eyes.
"No? Okay."
Twilight sat down silently, not saying another word.

They sat like this for a while before Wild stood up and walked back over to the fire. He sat dangerously close to it, his knees tucked under his chin, and his arms wrapped around his legs. Twilight stood up as well, sitting right by Wild, watching him to make sure he didn't get burnt by the fire. Luckily, he didn't get burnt.

Later, everyone went to bed, leaving Wild alone by the dying fire. He was a little jealous of the fire. It was so pretty while it lasted, unlike him.

How much longer would he last?

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