Chapter 9

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It was again that Wen Chen received a anonymous note pinned to his door frame. This had been going on for weeks till end and yet, he did not dare tell anyone.

He didn't want a single person to know, or rather he couldn't.

As he sat on his bed in his night attire, it was still early dawn. Not many were awake within the palace at this time except for the servants.

Wen Chen took a deep breath and walked to his bedroom door to receive the note. Although this has become a usual activity to encounter, his chest still couldn't stay at peace.

With every one he read, it was a threat.

His eyes narrowed sternly and began to read the note. It was only then his expression spoke into horror.

4 days

It read.

Wen Chen didn't know what that meant but it scared him to the bone. Keeping his composure, he neatly folded the note and put it away along with the others. Before he would, he always made for certain that there was no one around, not even a fly.

This will be what was left of him.

He then muttered to himself, "I swear on my life and on the name of my mother, that you will not take Sis away."

Wen Chen knew that this was the same person those years ago who killed his brothers and sisters.

The true sinner behind it all.

Wen Yue felt hopeless these days that passed. To find out that again, she has possibly been betrayed by someone she held dear almost tore her apart. Huizhong, who still haunts her, was the first person she ever held dear, she loved him wholeheartedly.

The princess was never able to tell him her feelings, or else punishment would befall him as he was not of any noble blood. It was then, that day he killed her siblings right before her very eyes.

Blood rained that dreadful night.

The princess sat out on her patio, fingers plucking a melody she knew at heart. Her eyes casted down at her majestic instrument.

She was playing that song, the treasured song.

However, it was different. Rather than the high tone indicating excitement, it was low, almost sad.

The world began to slow down.

As she plucked the last note, it only lingered in one's mind. Silence soon entered and the world stopped.

Her face became numb and skin cold to the touch.

She looked lifeless as tear slipped.......

Her expression remained still, except for those eyes that spoke the pain unable to be heard.

The princess with weak movements, got up from where she sat and went towards that place. The time was now that they'd be meeting each other.

"Please........please tell me that it isn't true....." her voice broke.

Fei Yang just sat about in his room organizing his findings. As he did this simple chore, he thought of that incident that happened just a few days ago.

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