Chapter 13

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Wen Xin sat alone in his room. It's been just a few weeks and his recovery was still pending. He still limped whenever he walked and the gash on his chest was mending itself together.

If any rash movements were made, it'd cause him pain and possibly a tear.

At his desk, he read a note he received. This paper was stuck to the frame of his door leaving him to just take it. Looking at its contents, he merely shut his eyes tightly.

He's dead, and so will that man.

The note as read. Wen Xin assumed this was about Wen Chen who had passed not too long ago.

He sighed heavily.

For sure, this situation wasn't the first.

Wen Xin's eyes seemed to change and with virtue, he took a brush along with a piece of paper. He began to write, hoping that the next time they come by, they'd take it.

In the study of the king, there present were Fei Yang and Wen Ling. The foreign prince had told them of his plans and was now taking leave outside the palace.

"I shall now take my leave, Your Majesty, Your Highness." he bowed to the king then the 3rd prince.

The king nodded and Wen Ling also bowed to him, as he too was a prince, a respected one.

Before he could leave, Wen Ling stopped him. "Your Highness," he called.

Fei Yang looked to the 3rd prince, "Yes?"

Wen Ling bowed deeply with his forehead touching the ground. Fei Yang immediately urged him to stand, "Your Highness, please stand. There is no need to do such a thing."

The prince clenched his fists and stood, "4th prince Fei Yang.......I beg of you please......please find the person who killed my brother. You are already doing so much and yet I'm asking you again. Please....find that person." he begged.

The king's guard lightly bowed, "On the name of the Jin Kingdom, I won't let you down. Your Highness, also mustn't beg me to do such a thing. I understand your position. As a prince, you can't rashly leave the palace in times like this or else you'd be marked as a suspect or worse, killed outside the palace by that very person." speaking of the 3rd prince's situation.

Wen Ling bowed once more, "Thank you."

Fei Yang nodded, "There's no need for thank you's." and so he left.

The prince watched as he left then bowed to his knees one last time, "May his Divine God Bai gift you a thousand blessings, Prince Fei Yang."

Outside the palace, Fei Yang walked the streets in a simple attire. He left through the king's underground tunnels, whose purpose is if any organization were to invade the palace the king would get away to safety.

Reaching the townsfolk, he left to purchase a gallant horse for the day he'd be out. The destination he was headed was quite far being a half hour travel.

Time passed, and there he was at the Fan Manor.

Knowing the late 9th prince's schedule, Fan He was always the last person to leave the Scholar Palace due to his lessons.

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