20. how we met

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I'm so glad Derek was able to find me something to wear because I would have been way too underdressed otherwise.

There is press outside taking pictures of everyone walking into the COLLINS CO. building. The words are literally written on it in big, black, and elegant letters. I wonder what it's like to have your family name written on such a big building. It must feel pretty great. On the way there, Derek explained that his brother runs the company brand along with his wife, Rachel. According to Derek, Rachel is a very well-known fashion designer. I can't believe that not only is Derek a successful celebrity, but he has a brother who is CEO of his company and is married to a famous fashion designer. And let's not forget about his oldest brother that owns clubs and bars. Success must run in their genes.

From Google, I know that Derek's father has been an actor for most of his life. I guess he started the legacy of successful careers.

The event takes place in a big ballroom. Derek hands the receptionist our tickets as we're walking in. Then he gives her his autograph after when she asks. There are a couple things happening inside. There is a group of people having a little casino night and there is another group playing trivia. There is also a long table with silverware on it and there are waiters serving food. It smells delicious. The people are dressed in expensive suits and cocktail dresses with shiny watches on their wrists and beautiful diamonds around their necks and wrists.

Everyone greets Derek as we walk in; whether it's a handshake or a nod, everyone seems to know him. I wonder how many of those people Derek actually knows. He holds my hand as we walk so everyone glances at me naturally, I suppose. I try to keep a polite smile on my face.

I feel safe in between Derek and Ian. They're easy going. People like them instantly.

"There's my brother." Derek mumbles then leads us to the dining table.

"Wow, y'all couldn't wait for us?" He asks as he stops behind a man.

The man had been leaning into a woman as she said something to him. When we approach them, they both look up at the sound of Derek's question.

The man raises his eyebrows as he stands up. "Well, look who decided to show up."

He is tall with short blond hair and he is wearing a gray suit with a white undershirt and a gray tie. He's handsome. I see Derek's resemblance immediately. They have the same strong jaw and same blue eyes. I wonder if they favor their mom or dad. I've seen pictures of their dad on the internet and while I do think Derek looks like him, I can tell they get their blue eyes from their mother.

"What are you talking about? You know I always come to this amazing event hosted by my favorite brother," Derek says with a grin as he places his hand on Nick's shoulder.

Nick raises an eyebrow at him. "You have a favorite brother every day of the week."

Derek shrugs. "And whose fault is that?"

Nick shakes his head with a smile. Derek grins then they hug, slapping each other's backs. "Miss me?" Derek asks after they pull away.

"We haven't seen you in almost a year," Nicks says then nods his head towards Ian. "He sees you more than me."

"Jealous?" Ian asks with a smirk.

"Now, now," Derek says. "There's enough Derek for everyone."

Nick and Ian share an amused look before laughing.

The woman Nick had been speaking to stands up and puts his arm through Nick's as she stands next to him. She's wearing a lace red dress that shows off her figure perfectly. She has shoulder length honey-brown hair and brown eyes. She has red lipstick on her lips. She must be Nick's wife, Rachel. She's so beautiful and carries this graceful aura around her. It intimidates me a little and makes me even more nervous.

DEREK'S MATCH (DEREK #1) SAMPLE, NOW PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now