scene 38- react

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"Noo! No, no, no, no, no! Why? Why would he do this? No! Wild, no... no....."

Twilight fell to his knees, crying loudly. Time stood behind him, rocking back and forth, humming the song of healing. He knew it wouldn't work. He was only humming it to comfort himself. He had failed yet again to prevent a death.

Twilight was now on all fours, sobbing.
"I thought he was getting better! Why would he do this? I shouldn't have left him here, I should have stayed here, I should have comforted him instead if just running off... no......"

Twilight didn't notice Wind running over to see what the commotion was. As soon as Wind saw Wild's bleeding body on the ground, he ran away, tears falling down his face.


Wind ran back to camp and threw himself onto his sleeping bag.
"Hey, Wind. What's wrong?"
"He's dead! He's dead and it's my fault..."
"What? Who?"
"What? Where is he?"
Wind pointed in the direction he had come from, not bothering to look up.

Legend headed that way, and soon enough, he saw Twilight and Time. When he noticed them, he started to jog. He reached them and looked over Twilight's shoulder. The sight of Wild lying on the ground, bleeding, made him gag. He ran away with a hand over his mouth.


Meanwhile, Warrior was using a tree to practice sword-fighting. He heard a shout and looked in the direction of came from, still holding his sword out. He put it away and started walking in that direction, searching for the origin of the yell.

After a minute, Warrior saw someone- Time- standing in the distance. Just standing there, not doing anything.

Then, before he even saw Twilight on the ground, he heard him. He heard his wordless sobs. So he ran faster.

He stopped next to Time and walked forward a little. He didn't expect what he saw, and he screamed. Well, it was more of a shout. A high-pitched shout.

He froze out of shock, staring at Wild. He wanted to look away, bit he couldn't. He just couldn't stop looking at him.


Wild hadn't thought of the consequences of his action. Who would have thought it would be this bad?

Not him, apparently. Not him.


~Honestly, did you think the last chapter was the end? Did you even read the description? Just because I don't publish a part for a while doesn't mean it's over. And did you think I'd leave out Zelda's reaction?

Anyway, there's more to the story. Much more.
And it doesn't stay like this.

But you'll just have to wait and see.~

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