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The green haired teen let out a huff of air as he stood at next to his desk, a testpaper in hand. His face was the same as ever, a pale creamy complexion that just brings out the worst of the dark under his eyes which pupils shine an almost crystal-like, emerald green. There was a small tremble on his hand though he was gripping his paper firmly and he could already feel a headache in coming.

His test paper showed a bright red 85/100 on the very top, much like all his other tests, almost creepily coincidental so. It keeps him in the upper echelon of the class but not enough that people rely on him. It... was hard for him to keep his straight 85's.

Life is harsh.

He let out another solemn sigh, he moved to sit by his desk but quickly stopped when he felt an ever so familiar pair of strong arms drape loosely on his shoulders into a half hearted, loose hug.

"Midoriya-kun- woah! Your grades!" He gasped, "geez, still keeping up at that 85 streak of yours? Aim a little higher! I'm starting to think that you're just purposely trying to get 85's now!" He laughed, well it's not like he was lying, Izuku was definitely, 100% trying to keep up his streak of 85's. He can almost feel the smile on the others face.

"I don't get it, you tutor me and all but I still get better grades than you! I don't know if I should feel bad or what!" The teen complained. Sure enough, one of the arms draped loosely around him slid off, if only to show him the test paper with 'Kirishima Eijirou' written messily on the top and a bright, grand 93/100 at the other side.

"It's alright." He said, although it didn't stop Kirishima from whimpering like a puppy, cute, Izuku let out a small laugh as he gently pet him, "I just forgot most of it! You should be glad that you got a high grade. No need to worry about me. I'll just try better next time." He said with a grin, it still didn't seem to satisfy Kirishima who was still pouting.

"I should really stop asking you for help dude. Maybe the reason you won't get anything above an 85 is 'cause you're too busy drilling the lessons to me for you to get it yourself!" Kirishima whined, "I'll do good on my own! Promise!" Izuku sighs.

"I already said it was alright- and no! The last time you tried that, your grades plummeted, remember?" The teen said with a chuckle, "it's fine, I like helping you. I think I'd probably miss it if I can't do it anymore." Not to mention, unless Izuku forces him to, Kirishima never studies for anything.

"Aw- dude!" Finally, the sad tone from him left and he felt the other teen nuzzle his cheek, "so manly! Hey actually- how about I treat you after school for all your help? That's fair, right?"

"Hm? No it's alright-"

"I know this place that sells real good Katsudon!"

"Well I mean I do have some free time! Let's go together later!" Izuku chirps and Kirishima laughs from the ever expected reaction.

This is Izuku's classmate, Kirishima Eijirou. They're currently in their third year of junior high and halfway into the last semester. Izuku has known him since the entrance ceremony of the school, it just so happens that they ended up on the same class. He was looking for someone timid and weak, a bit insecure but someone nice enough and the raven haired teen seem to fit the description well enough, halfway into the school year, Kirishima suddenly started transforming into a bundle of energy and excitement and now, Izuku can't get rid of him.

Not that he wants to.

He doesn't know anyone else who wants to be friends with...


Well, but first. He kept a smile on as he was hit with the ever so familiar throbbing, painful headache. Kirishima's smile immediately faltered, noticing that something is off with his friend. He's been awfully perceptive of anything that doesn't involve academics. Izuku would call him an empath but he thinks it'll be weird to say it out loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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