Chapter 37

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Tommy's POV

A while after we got home I was trying to talk to Adam but he was too busy looking at his eyeliner god only knows why he was as he doesn't need it today. So I did the only thing I could think of I took it out of his hand and ran out of our bedroom into the hallway. Addy was right on my tail trying to get it back so I tried to run down the stairs but I missed one and tumbled down them instead. As I was lying at the bottom of the stairs I heard Addy screaming my name but I couldn't quite comprehend who it was. It was just a distant voice in the background.

When Addy got to the bottom of the stairs he gently touched my head and I groaned in pain. He tries to move me but I screamed when he touched my arm. I think I might have broken my arm again but I'm not worried about that. I was more worried that Addy was going to be pissed off at me because of what happened. I was only trying to get his attention and muck around with him but now I've gone and fallen down the stairs so he is going to be pissed at me instead.

I must drift off to sleep as the last I heard was Addy on the phone calling an ambulance.

I wake up in a hospital bed with my arm in a sling and I can't move my neck. I try to move it to see if I can see my husband but I can't and I let out a groan again. Adam must have been beside me because he jumps up and grabs my good hand and he says oh thank fuck you're alright. I thought I was going to lose you baby. I look at him and he goes on to explain that he couldn't wake me up when I fell asleep and that about 3 times I have been brought back to life in front of my husband. My poor baby I can see that he was so worried about me and I hate that I did that to him again.

I mumble what happened. So Adam sits on the bed next to me very gently and holds my hand in his and he says to me when you fell the down the stairs you hit your head pretty hard and also broke your arm. At first they thought that it was an ordinary bump on the head but they found out it wasn't. Then they thought you had a brain injury but I thank my lucky stars that you don't have one. They also said at first that you couldn't fly to Hawaii but now they are saying you can. He finishes off with you scared me so much baby I was so afraid that I would lose you but thank fuck I didn't.

I think for a bit then say what day is it. He looks at me and he says Friday the 19th December baby. We are supposed to fly out to Hawaii in 6 days but if you don't get better we can't. I squeeze his hand and say I'm sorry baby I was mucking around with you and now I have ruined our holiday and Christmas. I wanted our first Christmas to be special. He brings his other hand up to brush my cheek with the back of his fingers and he says no you haven't baby. I have spoken to the airline and if need be we can change the date and the same with the hotel. So it's not ruined at all. I say yes it is I'm in hospital once again with another broken arm. I can't help the tears that fall.

After a while my neck starts to hurt and I must groan in pain because Addy is suddenly more alert as he was texting someone on his phone and he says baby what's wrong? I say my neck is sore can you take the brace off please. He says I will ask the doctor baby okay and if he says you can have it off then we will take it off. I mumble fine. He calls the doctor in and our friend Dr Stylinson walks in and he says Hey mate glad to see you awake and alert. You scared us. Adam says to him his neck is sore can we maybe remove the brace. Dr Stylinson nods and says yeah we can as he is moving around so that counts out any injury to your spine and neck.

He removes the brace and he says to me you might be able to go home the day after tomorrow. I nod my head and he leaves the room after that.

I move over a bit and say baby can you please lay down and cuddle me. I need my baby boy cuddles to make me feel better. He laughs and says sure my sexy glitter baby. I need your cuddles too, to make me feel better.

We lie on the bed cuddling into each other and he is quite for a bit then he leans up and says I'm sorry baby I should have been listening to you. This is my entire fault. Can you please forgive me? I move my head up a bit to kiss his gorgeous lips and I say it's not your fault baby it was an accident and I shouldn't have taken your eyeliner. I just you want your attention all the time but I know I can't have it. He grins and says my sexy glitter baby even if I'm not with you or paying attention to you, you are always on my mind 24 hours a day 7 days a week. That's just how much I love you. I smile and lean up to kiss him again and we go to deepen the kiss when all of a sudden someone clears their throat and says Sorry Mr Ratliff but it's time for your obs and your meds. Adam sits up and says his name is Mr Lambert the same as mine. We are married so please address him as Mr Lambert. She nods her head and quickly does what she has to do then give me my medication. She promptly turns on her heel and walks out of the room.

When she left Adam turns to me and says come on I want my cuddles again. I snuggle back into his arms and I say babe why did she call me Mr Ratliff not Mr Lambert. He looks at me and he says because she can't read the sign above your bed and they haven't changed your file from Ratliff to Lambert yet. I think for a bit and say would it be easier if I still went by Ratliff. Adam shakes his head and says no way even in your professional career I want you to be known as Mr Tommy Joe Lambert so everybody knows that this sexy body of yours belongs to me. The one and only Adam Lambert.

I lean up to kiss him again and this time I deepen the kiss. I swipe my tongue over his bottom lip and he opens his mouth. Our tongues battle each other but I have to pull away. We can't take it any further as we are in a hospital. As much as I want to I can't and I know Addy does to. We just lie there in each other's arms.

We fall asleep that night in each other's arms and he makes sure that I have a spare pillow under my broken arm like he did when I had it before. He always did that to me. He always makes sure that I am ok and not hurting at all. I can't get over how sweet my husband is. God I love him so much.

The next day we just spend part of it lying on the bed in each other's arms until a knock comes at the door and Louis walks in and he says "hey mate I thought I would do you appointment here in the hospital as Harry told me that you were in here". I nod my head and watch as Louis gets himself comfortable on the chair and Addy gets up so he can help me sit up then he sits beside me and puts his arm around me and I move my broken arm and rest it on his thigh. We sat there talking for a good 45 minutes until a knock at the door disturbs us and I look over to see Dr Stylinson there and he walks in and greet us the pecks his husbands lips and says "hey babe what are you doing here"? Louis turns to him and says "I had some spare time so I thought I would come and have Tommy's session here so he didn't miss out". I look over at them and say "thanks for doing that for me and for thinking of me. I really appreciate it". Louis says "its ok I had the time and it also give me a reason to come to the hospital so I can see this one and he points to his husband. Dr Stylinson says "that sweet baby I love you" and he kisses the top of Louis head.

After we have finished talking to Louis and Harry we just sit there for a bit longer until someone says to me "dinner time". She brings the tray over and Addy pulls the lid off of it and I curl my nose up at the steamed fish that's on the plate. Addy puts the lid back on and he says "how about I go and get something for dinner". I nod my head as much as I don't want Addy to leave my side I just really can't come at the steamed fish. Addy got up and started to fix his hair and grab his stuff so he can go when a knock disturbs us and when we look over at the door Neil is standing there with a bag of Chinese. Adam says to him "hey mate come in. You just caught me. I was going to go and get Tommy some dinner". Neil holds up the bag and said "don't worry I bought dinner for us". Adam sits back down on the bed beside me and he pulls me into his side again.

Adam and I sat on the bed me cuddled into him and we had our dinner that way. Neil takes the chair and we all talk for a bit then Neil says "I really don't want to ask but I need to know what happened, why you're in here with a broken arm again"? I look at Neil and say "it's my fault I was playing around with Addy and he wasn't listening so I took his eyeliner off of him and ran down the stairs with it. I missed a step and tumbled down them". Addy pulls me in tighter and he says "it was an accident ok so blame yourself. I should have not been ignoring you. I'm really sorry for that but you fell that was an accident". He leans over and kisses the top of my head and lets his lips linger there. He then leans over and whispers in my ear "I love you so much my sexy husband. Can't wait to get you alone again. I'm going to ravish you".

We just sat there talking for a bit then Neil said he was going home. Adam walks him out then comes back into me and lies beside me on the bed. He pulls me into his side and we fall asleep in each other's arm like we do every night.

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