Flights and Fights

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Flights And Fights


Have you ever thought how you would react when someone disturbs your sleep? Especially when it's a holiday. No? Well I have. In fact, I have done that many times, including right now. "Get up Stella I have news!" My sister, Hope yelled as she shook me side to side. But when she saw that I wasn't making any attempt to get up, she did what she had to do. She ripped the cover off of me. "Get your lazy ass off the bed!" She yelled. "Let me sleep you little devil!" I yelled back. "One, I'm just one month younger than you. Two, I won't let you sleep because I have news." She said, holding up two fingers. I groaned but got up. "Get out. I'll be down in a few minutes." I kicked her out of my room and locked the door. "You have five minutes!" She yelled before walking away.

"Good morning folks!" I greeted my parents while taking a seat at the breakfast table beside Hope. "What's the news devil?" Dad asked her and er all looked at her. "I won two tickets to the island of Bali! We are going to stay in a private resort with eight other people who also won this challenge." She said. A huge grin on her glowing face. "How many days?" Mom asked her. "Three weeks." She said. We both knew there was a very but chance that our folks won't agree. And that's when Hope turned to me. I knew what she wanted. I had to convince mom and dad to let us go on this trip.

"I'll go with her to keep an eye on her." I said, faking happiness. This trip was the last thing I needed. I planned to eat, binge watch Teen Wolf and be lazy, this whole summer vacation. But I didn't want my sister to be upset.

For a minute they both studied the two of us carefully and finally sighed. "Fine. But you'll call us everyday, twice. Or at least text us." Mom said and Hope hugged the both if them. "And after returning you'll do all your homework." Dad added. This made her groan while I laughed. "Also, we'll drive you to the airport."

After agreeing to everything they said, we were finally excused since we had to pack. The trip was three days later. Meaning, two days to pack everything.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Hope hugged me tightly as we stepped inside her sorry excuse of a room. "Yeah yeah. You owe me. Also, did a tornado hit your room or something?" I raised a brow at her while she scratched the back of her neck. "I'll clean up. Also, I do owe you." She said before disappearing into her mess of a room. I shook my head and headed downstairs to watch TV.

And that's the first chapter. I know it's short. But I'll slowly elongate the word count. Point out any mistake you see. Once again, thank you fallenaengel and TheFaultInMyStar23 for helping me with this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2019 ⏰

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