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Quinn POV

The electric hales in my spine, shivering my muscles when a scolding torrent of rage looked upon me like his eyeballs will pop up anytime. A gulp jacket my throat when I reached them and stopped in front of Aiden while trying to lift my lips for a timid smile. In our silence, only he and I can detect the nagging stare he is passing to me.

I didn't expect him to be here since it's almost half an hour since we arrived at the place. Aron told me they were having car racing once again, one of my favorite sports, and thinking he would be here is the main reason I came. My brother doesn't mind if I join sometimes, especially on this kind of occasion.

Some of their buddies bring their girlfriend, which means I am not the only girl on this occasion. When I check my watch, I realize it's late, and he might not come, so I enjoyed and grab Caleb for a race. But staring at his boiling sphere now, I'm not sure if he appreciates my participation.

"H... hi," I greet him with my tongue becoming short.

The lips I love to kiss remain sealed. Instead of replying, he raises the bottle he is holding, presses the lid to his mouth and drinks from it. That is his answer that makes me bite my lower lip. A panic rolls over me thinking what I did wrong this time and made him angry. His coal eyes dive to Caleb, who's taking one beer from Boris.

"Hey, dude, glad you came," Caleb speaks and toasts his beer to Aiden's bottle.

"Yeah," he replies and nods, "glad I did."

His last word was pronounced with deep, hitting it to me in silence. The coldness is making me nervous, and his violent glance is eating my heart. Me not knowing what makes him mad is exploding my mind, and the organ beating inside my cage breaks my chest.

"I'll... just take some food," I said, to avoid his fury.

My feet rashly step out, leaving them while filling my lungs with some air. It suffocates me, the fire, the crimson face, the dark look that I'm getting crazy guessing about what I did wrong, what's my mistake? With my hand sweating, my body tense, I take a small plate, then grab a fork and am ready to poke at the watermelon when a hard frame suddenly rams at my back.

My Wolf gradually caught a plate that almost fell in my hand because of the unexpected bang from behind, supporting it as he lays his hand over mine. I knew it was him because my favorite scent was soaked in my nose. His aroma I love to sniff all the time.

"Go home," he whispers.

Standing on my side, he takes the plate in my hand. My head rises and glances at him with my eyes questioning.

"Aiden..." I mumble, eager to know what the problem was. It gives me a headache because it squeezes my brain to find some answer.

"I said go home," he speaks in a curt voice, digs his dilating pupils at me, "now!"

My body shiver, and muscles are stretching tight, for I know I'm making him upset too much. With speed as fast as a tornado, I walk towards the chair where my bag is, grab my stuff and wave to Aron.

"I... need to go, dad is waiting for me," I stammer as I hang my body bag on my shoulder.

"Ha? I still want to have another race with you, Quinn," Caleb interrupts, stands, and is about to come closer.

"Maybe next time."

Without waiting for their approval, I ran to the exit, fast, as my life depended on my speed.


My sigh breaks the silence and makes Emma's hand rub on my back.

"Is he still not replying?" She asks.

I nod while closing my locker. Some small clear water is still dropping from our hair, for we have just finished our swimming class. I grab my backpack while Emma hangs her Tote bag on her shoulder. Most ladies at the school used the same stuff as her, but I found it more comfortable having this kind of stuff.

"I'm worried. His silence is killing me," I admit.

"Don't think too much, Quinn, only two days passed," Emma comforts me.

"And that's the problem. What time is it now? It's 6:30 in the afternoon, Emma. After a few hours, it will be three days."

My eyes water. The fretful emotion is consuming me because my brother and father were fighting last night, and now Aiden is not keeping in touch with me after the race incident. My mind is exploding. A deep inhale is what I rewarded in my dying cage as we passed our school security guard. Some students are going home the same as we are while the others are running inside, attending a night class.

"Just relax, Quinn. Maybe he's not yet done reading your one hundred messages," she said.

My lips pouted at her jokes. I roll my eyes at her while we are walking towards the parking lot. Her giggle erupts, making my fingers pinned her hip and flood our spot with our booming laugh. The sudden beep of my mobile stops us. I slide my hand in my pocket, take my iPhone, and face the screen to check the text.

Wolf: Tell your driver to leave. I'm on the left corner, same spot.

"Oh, my god!" Emma screams.

My hand gradually pats her to keep her mouth shut with my eyes glittering in triumph. I blush in elation while we both stop in our path. Dialing my driver's number, I press the mobile in my ear while Emma and I are holding one's hand and shaking our body like someone is tickling us.

"Hello, Peter. I need to finish some projects with Emma. You can go ahead, they will take me home," I said.

"You fucking need to update me later because you're using me again," Emma whispers in my other ear.

Eyes sum up, I hit her butt to stop her from disturbing me while the edge of our lips were ripping our blossoming cheeks.

HIS PUMPKIN - BOOK 1 (+18)Where stories live. Discover now