Chapter 8

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Everyone stood in silence as Tim and Austin stared at one another. Rob and Chance both noticed a small group of people off to the side watching them.

"Hey guys, let's take this back to the hotel. There's a group of people over there, we don't need any more scandals, ya know" Rob warned.

Tim took a quick glance away from Austin, seeing the group he knew Rob was right. Here and now was not the place for whatever was going on with him to be explained.

"You're right, Rob" he agreed before turning back to Austin. " My room, 6 pm, all of you" he demanded.

"Why everybody" Austin managed to squeak out.

"Whatever the issue is you have with me, affects all of us, that's why" Tim replied.

Agreeing to meet at 6 they began to walk away but not before they encountered the group nearby. Questions were asked, photos were taken and autographs given before they finally convinced their fans they needed to leave.

"What do you think is going on with Austin" he asked as they cuddled on the bed.

"You" he simply replied.

"Me? What about me" he stated.

"Adam pulled me aside before leaving the restaurant. Austin feels I'm spending too much time with you and not enough with him, that you've taken his place " Tim replied.

"That's absurd" Chance began, "our relationship is entirely different,  especially now. We're all still brothers".

"Well, that would be insencuous on our part don't you think" he remarked with a slightly evil chuckle.

"You know what I mean, smart ass" Chance replied, "besides no one knows about us, the real us".

"Well" Tim replied.

Rolling over and sitting up against the headboard Chance looked at him, " what do you mean 'well'... Did you tell Adam..I thought we were going to wait, tell everyone at the right time and place"

Sitting up alongside him, taking his hand in his, " I didn't tell anyone anything..I didn't even confirm with Adam..but he knows, he's known for a very long time, he said he knew back when you first revealed your illness."

"Damn, the quiet ones always know, always sitting back and observing others, they figure it out before everyone else does" Chance remarked.

"But, like I said, I didn't confirm it with Adam" Tim reassured.

"But, you didn't deny it either" Chance stated rolling his thumb over Tim's hand.

"No" he stated quietly, bowing his head slightly.

"Babe, I'm not upset, it's ok" Chance replied.

"So, do we tell them tonight?" Tim asked, still not looking at Chance.

Chance lifted his chin towards him, placing a soft kiss upon his lips. Tim smiled as he felt the tenderness from his lover. He understood, he wasn't angry with him.

"Let Austin reveal what is going on with him, he needs to talk to you, to everyone. He's carrying a burden that needs to be lifted. Telling everyone about us, tonight anyway, would only add to his distress. Make this about him tonight, he needs that, he needs you. Your his big brother, show him that's still true" Chance advised, sliding his hand along Tim's cheek. Tim leaned into it, closing his eyes. "I love you" he told him. "And I love you" Chance replied.

Austin slowly made his way towards Tim's room, unsure if this were a good idea or not, especially with the rest of the guys there. Wondering if he could, would tell all the anguish he was feeling. He knew he had to do something, it was affecting his thoughts, his relationship with the others and ultimately his performance on stage. Taking a deep breath, he raised his hand to knock upon Tim's door.

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