56. Chances.

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It's been three days since Pep dropped Tash off at the driveway, it's been three days since Pep checked herself into a hotel in another parish and locked herself away in the room. Pep woke up beside the toilet, vomit and blood on her shirt. Once she finally came back to her senses, she stood up and stared at her reflection in the mirror; she didn't recognize herself. The bags under her eyes, her sunken jaws and hollowed eyes- she had completely let herself go.

Pep's phone has been off for three days now, Tash hasn't slept and has been contemplating calling the police or everyone in her contacts to ask if they've seen Pep. Tash decided to clean the house again today, as she's done two days in a row to pass the time. Watching television reminded her of Pep and she had no appetite because she didn't know if Pep has eaten. It wasn't until ten minutes into cleaning that Tash's head started to feel light and her mouth went dry, she tried to make it to the nearest thing to lean on but ended up fainting before she was able to find support.

Pep knew it was time to go home, she knew disappearing for three days was disastrous and even though she wanted to stay longer she had to go home to Tash and her business. Pep had faith that Tash could handle herself and keep their business running while she was out but her heart sank to her feet once she pushed their front door open and saw an abandoned mop lying carelessly on the floor.

"Tasheka?" Pep cautiously called out. A million scenarios ran through her head but she was more concerned about finding Tash.

Calling out again and getting no answer in return, Pep walked forward into the house, passing the living room and moving towards the stairs. Pep froze at the sight of blood and Tash lying face forward with her spine awkwardly bent on the wall, blood seeped from the injury the impact caused. Pep choked on her tears, she sprang forward to grab Tash in her arms shaking her and hoping it would open her eyes, hoping it would bring her back to life. Pep still had a hangover, coke still ran through her veins with rum gassing it up. She didn't know what to do.

"Ray? Tash is dead. Come over and help me." Pep cried into the phone almost incomprehensible.

Ray didn't answer, she heard enough. Luckily, Ray was almost at the house because Tash had called her earlier asking her to come over because she needed company. A lot of things ran through Rayuga' s mind and she didn't want to jump to the conclusion that Pep snapped and killed her.

Fifteen minutes later, Ray walked in on Pep holding her shirt to Tash's forehead. "What happened?" Ray asked as she bent down to assess the situation.

"I don't know, I'm just coming home." Pep cried.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Ray raised her eyebrow.

"I'm scared. I just lost my mom, I don't want to lose her too." Pep shook violently as she pulled the lifeless body to her chest.

"I called the ambulance." Ray tried to remain calm but she was confused and frightened.

"They are going to take her away from me." Pep rested her head in the crook of Tash's neck.

"They are going to help her." Ray tried to reassure Pep, she didn't believe Tash was dead- she couldn't believe that.

"She's," Pep drew out a long, silent pause. "She's dead."

Pep managed to stop the bleeding and it wasn't long after that the ambulance found her house and rushed in for Tash. They dragged her out of her arms and rested her on a stretcher.

"There's a heartbeat." The paramedic checked Tash's pulse.

Rayuga sighed in relief as the weight lifted off her heart. Pep was still broken down, still sitting beside the pool of blood. "Clean yourself up and come meet us at the hospital." Rayuga grabbed Pep by the arm and pulled her up to stand on her shaking feet.

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