Chapter 2: Unforgivable

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     "So you're the reason he's like this?" Maya questions while clenching her teeth.

     "Yes, I am... I know it's unforgivable, but please let me explain," the young, small, cute looking girl pleaded. "I live with my grandparents and was helping my grandma out the car. I was so distracted that I had forgotten to pull the parking brake. The car didn't seem to move at first, but as soon as I helped my grandma out of the car, it started to slowly roll backwards. I ran to try to get back into the car, but as soon as I was at the door, the car picked up speed and it launched down the hill. It was all my fault. If I had just been more responsible you wouldn't be like this."

Tears began to stream down her face like waterfalls. I didn't want to blame her for what she had done, but how could I not. I had lost my dream of playing baseball in the big leagues. I had such a bright future, but this girl ruined it. I never want to push my problems on others, but how could I have avoided this. It was her fault. That's all I can think about, but the words that came out of my mouth were different.

     "You were preoccupied. You shouldn't beat yourself up over this," I said reluctantly. "Yes, this could have been avoided, but if you are worried about me... don't. I don't blame this on you."

I did though. Why am I telling her I don't blame this on her? Is it because she's crying and I'm just trying to make her feel better? Is it because I feel bad for her having to take care of her grandparents? All these questions that I couldn't answer were flowing through my head. As I was still thinking of all these questions I was cut off by words I never thought I'd hear.

     "I would like to stay by your side until you are healed," the young girl said adamantly.

     "Uh, excuse me?" I questioned in confusion.

     "I feel responsible for all your injuries, so I would like to take care of you until you're 100% healed."

I looked over to see Maya getting more and more frustrated with this girl and I don't blame her. She comes in here claiming she is the reason for my accident and then asks to stay with me while I recover. I was still stuttering to find a response, but Maya answered for herself.

     "No! You think you can just waltz in here claiming to be the one to ruin his life and then just say you want to stay with him! No, not happening please leave." Maya yelled while pouting.

     "I don't mean anything by it. I just want to be able to help with a fraction of what I've caused," she says tearing up. "I feel responsible and just want to help in anyway I can."

     "Sure, I wouldn't want to put everything on my parents and Maya anyways. Thank you for offering and if you would be able to help that would be great." I said without thinking.

Why am I being so nice to her? Shouldn't I hate her? I've never hated anyone because I never had a reason to, but now isn't that how I should feel.

     "Thomas..." Maya says with her head down. "Are you sure about this?"

Maya has always been frequently jealous of girls that would talk to me in school, but she always understood and respected my decisions. She was always the most supportive girlfriend and would do anything for me. That's partly the reason I want to allow this girl to help out. I don't want Maya to put everything on herself because she will go crazy and not focus on her life. With college decisions coming up, I knew this was going to be a busy time for her, so there was only one thing I could do.

     "Yeah I'm sure Maya, I know you will always be there for me, but I feel like this would be better for everyone involved," I answered. "So, I don't think you ever told me your name?" I asked the girl.

     "My name is Sophie Hope. I promise to take great care of you."

I could tell that Maya was still unhappy with me because I was allowing this random girl to take care of me. She was never happy when girls would try to flirt with me or get too touchy around school. I know that if I was in her shoes it would make me uncomfortable also. Once everyone left the room I decided to pull Maya aside to hear what she really thinks.

     "Hey Maya, why don't you stay in here for a lit-," but before I even finished talking, she had a question of her own.

     "Why are you lying to me?" She questioned.

     "Wh- what do you mean?"

     "You always get like this. You just want everyone else to feel happy, but never talk about your own problems. I want to hear the truth away from your family."

     "The truth is... I'm scared. I always thought I had my life planned out. I thought that I was going to play baseball my whole life," I said as tears starting to slide down my scraped cheeks. "I'm devastated. I don't know what my path of life is anymore. I want to think about the positives, but I just can't."

I've always been someone that kept every negative emotion deep inside of me. I never want to worry anyone or cause anyone sadness. As I talk about my problems and opening up for the first time I see the tears falling down her face. This is what I try to avoid. Hurting the people that mean the most to me.

     "I'm happy," Maya says while lifting her head revealing a smile on her face. "I never thought I'd ever hear your true feelings. It makes me happy that you're able to open up about your feelings."

     "You... You're happy?" I questioned.

     "Yes. Just that fact that you were able to express your true feelings to me, makes me feel like I've become even more important to you."

I always thought I should hide my emotions, but she's happy? We've been together for about a year and a half now, but I guess this is the first time I've opened up to her, let alone anyone. Has she known this whole time that I haven't been honest with my feelings. Maybe I've only been hurting her, when I thought I've been helping.

     "I'm sorry Maya," I groaned. "I will be more honest with you."

     "Thanks, but since you're going to be honest with me, why did you accept that girls apology?" She asked with a stern look on her face.

     "I don't like her. I blame her for everything, but if she's going to take the stress off your shoulders and my family, then to me it is worth pushing aside my anger towards her.

     "I understand. I'm not happy about it and to be honest, I'm pretty worried about the whole situation," she says while laying her head softly on my shoulder to wipe away her tears. "Does this hurt you?"

     "A little, but don't stop. I miss having you this close to me. Once I recover more, I promise that I'll hug and kiss you all you want." 

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