Panic Attack

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Panic attack. I think the title Is a trigger warning itself. Also, it's really descriptive of gory stuff. Not too bad. It kind of depends on the person.

It's not exactly far from home spoilers considering I kind of made up the Mysterio attack part.



'No.' Peter thought. 'Not again- no!'

"Come out Peter. I have someone who wants to see you." A blood curdling scream followed. But not just anyone's scream.

Peter gasped. "MJ!" He got out of his hiding spot and ran towards her.

There was Mysterio holding MJ by her neck. She was bloody everywhere and there were bruises on her face. Ned was at his feet unmoving.

"Ned," he breathed out. "No Ned!"

"Such a shame... You couldn't get here in time. If only you'd stop being a coward and just saved your friends." It was like he was taunting him. Suddenly, Mysterio pushed MJ off the side of where he was standing. Peter screamed her name and went to grab her. He was too late.

"You're not fast enough Peter. Why can't you just save your friends? You realize their parents will hate you? Your class will hate you. The world will hate you. You're an awful superhero. But wait. Here's another chance." He turned to the right.

"Peter! Help me! Please- please save me!" "May!" "Aw look. Your last living relative parishes." "Peter please! Can't you just do something right for once?" She sobbed. She sounded ashamed. "May! I'm coming! I'm- I'm coming! You've got to hold on!" He swung over to the beam she was barely holding on to.

She dropped. She screamed as she plummeted down the void. "May!" He screamed. "May- no! No please- please don't leave me! Please!"

"You'll never be able to do this Pete." Something only his friends and family called him. Peter liked that nickname but being called that by Mysterio made anger flood through him. "Don't call me that," he growled. "What? So... what do you want me to call you? Kid?"

Peter tensed. That was only for Tony and the other avengers to call him.

"Oh but wait. I know some people who called you that."

Green smoke exploded around them. It made Peter cough and choke. He looked up with tears streaking down his face.

Tony walked out of the thick cloud, his eyes shining a bright green. The avengers followed right behind him. Pepper and Morgan walked over and stood together on the side of Tony.

"T-Tony..." "That's Mr. Stark to you Peter." He said that sentence with more hate than Peter ever heard. "I-I..."

"You couldn't even save your aunt, huh? Why'd I waste my life on someone like you? I'm dead because of you." "I'm sorry Mr. Stark. I'm-I'm sorry." He fell to his knees with a sob.

That smile and child wonder on Morgan was replaced with a hateful glare that made Peter's heart break to pieces. Pepper pulled Morgan back as if she were trying to hide her from someone dangerous.

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