The Pack OT6- Back Together

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I hated being alone, by myself, the only member of the Pack even anywhere close to where I lived in England. Sure, Lachlan was the only one living in Australia but he spent so much time in Texas or in Canada, mostly in Canada, that he barely spent any time at home. I got so, so lonely.

Sure I had the Sidemen but they just weren't the same as the other boys, they weren't physically affectionate with me, they didn't fall asleep in my bed and they didn't share secrets with me in the dark, which was what I loved. My heart ached for the boys I loved so much but I barely saw them anymore because of work and my obligations with the Sidemen. Uploading a group video each week was fun but it meant I simply couldn't drop everything and go to visit the boys because they had made last minute plans to meet up.

I wanted to be able to do that, I wanted to be able to drop everything to go and see them, to spend an entire month with them just because I wanted to, but I couldn't. I had to stay in London.

It was just past 3 in the morning and I was in a call with Lachlan and Rob, who were both curled up on the couch together. It was only 10pm for them but apparently it had been a long day for the both of them, out and about on the lake and just having some fun. I was jealous but I kept that to myself, not wanting to ruin their good mood.

"How's recording been?" Lachlan asked, his voice hoarse. He was really tired. "Didn't you have a big shoot today?" I nodded.

"Yeah, we had an 8 hour shoot this morning." I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "A main channel video and 3 second channel videos, then I had to record a podcast and now I've got to record and make thumbnails for like, 6 different videos for my channels. I'm so tired..."

I saw Rob check his watch and then frown.

"Isn't it like 4... no, 3am for you?"

"Sounds about right." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "But I can't sleep. You know I can't sleep alone."

The two stayed on the call until I eventually agreed to crawl into bed and try to sleep, listening to their quiet whispers as I drifted off. It sounded like they were right next to me, just as I wanted.

With a soft sigh, I finally fell into a much needed sleep.

Rob's P.O.V.

Almost the second I hung up the call, after making sure Vikk was fast asleep, Lachlan sat bolt upright and began begging me to help him organise with the boys to go to London- to stay with Vikk. I didn't take long for me to agree because I knew Vikk was lonely and just wanted to be with us again and, honestly, I missed him too.

Unfortunately Lachlan had already used up his energy for the day so the second I agreed he just... slumped against me, closing his eyes. I only laughed. It took him barely a few minutes to fall asleep and after that I pulled out my phone, creating a group chat without Vikk for the upcoming event, and began planning.

Almost everything was sorted by the next morning after I had passed out with the group chat still on my screen. The other three were ecstatic at my idea and quickly agreed to get it done as soon as possible, booking flights from their respective cities to London, England so we would arrive at around the same time. We were lucky enough to have the three flights arriving only 3 hours apart, Mitch and Jerome first, Preston half an hour later and Lachlan and I about an hour and a half after that.

The flights were only 4 days after Lachlan first suggested it and everyone was super excited, using the time to stockpile videos so we would have plenty of free time while we were there. I also messaged Simon, asking him to pretend like he had something suddenly come up and to record as many videos as possible with Vikk. There were a few editors used by the other members of the Pack, we could sort something out.

Everyone was bubbling thinking about what was to come.


I could barely keep my eyes open when our flight finally landed in London and neither could the younger boy who had sat beside me the whole time, his chin dropping on his chest. He perked up when a ball of hazel hair barrelled towards us, practically throwing himself into my arms. I laughed and hugged Preston back, just as happy to see him too.

Mitch and Jerome looked just as tired as Lachlan but there were some soft smiles as they greeted each other with tight hugs. I gave them both hugs too once Preston let go of me and we dragged ourselves out to a taxi, which we took to the hotel we had booked for one night. It was only because we were all so tired and didn't think that going to see Vikk while someone was likely to fall asleep standing up. As much as we were ecstatic, it could wait until the next morning.


Neither Lachlan or Mitch wanted to sit still the next morning, bouncing up and down on the California King we had in our massive shared hotel room. It was a mess considering 5 of us had slept in it but everyone was wide awake, mostly over their jetlag, super excited to surprise the second youngest member of our group.

We arrived outside his apartment at just past 11, hoping that it was late enough for him to be awake. Josh had said he should be awake, he had gone to bed early on account of the "Sidemen Sunday recording" on that day- the recording that didn't exist because of our arrival. I was forever thankful for Josh for helping us out because we wanted the surprise to be amazing.

"I'm excited." Lachlan whispered into my ear, bouncing in his seat in the back of the taxi. "I can't wait to see him!"

Jerome was the one who rang the doorbell and we all stood back, about to burst with excitement. The boy who opened the door looked exhausted, shoulders slumped, hair a mess and only half dressed and he opened his mouth to greet us like he didn't know who we were- and then this eyes lit up.

I just so happened to be the closest to him and he threw himself at me, shrieking with excitement. Lachlan wrapped himself around the boys other side and only a few moments later we were all standing in a group hug, Vikk wiggling happily in my arms. Finally his head popped up and he was laughing through happy sobs, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Rob! What- what are you guys doing here!?" He choked out, pulling himself out from between the bundle of arms. "How!?"

"We wanted to surprise you Vikky." I laughed, brushing his hair out of his eyes. "We knew you missed us and we missed you too, so we decided to visit you."

He dissolved into happy sobs again and buried himself in my chest, his hands clinging onto my chest.


It took almost an hour for Vikk to calm down, continuing to cling to me or one of the other boys. I think he was in shock a little but once he realised it wasn't a dream, we really were there, he was just glowing with happiness- just as we hoped he would.

God I had missed him and I knew the others had too.

I was glad we were all back together.

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