How would they demonstrate their feelings ? (headcanon)

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A/N : As you know, I'm back to Law school, and work has been hectic. That's why I wrote a headcanon instead of a scenario, I'm so sorry. But I need to focus on the Muzan requests too so I can deliver some quality too !  (and also on the 20 analysis I have to do in 7 days-)


❀ Tanjiro isn't afraid of words, even though in his opinion, none could truly measure the amount of feelings and images you inspired him

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❀ Tanjiro isn't afraid of words, even though in his opinion, none could truly measure the amount of feelings and images you inspired him. Ineffable, his world was . In that regard, he wouldn't be afraid to clearly state the three words you longed to hear : « I love you ». Hell, he would tell you the most beautiful words, at the most unexpected times, though he would never understand why they were not appropriate times : to him, every second of life was a second worth telling you how much he loved you.

❀ He would always compliment you when you need it the most. Calling you beautiful when you thought you weren't ? Yes, he would. Calling you brilliant when you doubted your abilities ? Yes, he would. Cheering you up ? Of course. Tanjiro will immediately feel it when you're in need of support. And as your knight in shining armor, he would never allow anyone or anything to tarnish your world, as it was also his. He would walk through the gates of hell if it meant fighting all of the demons that dared shielding you from the happiness you rightfully deserved.

❀ He would always protect you, no matter the cost. He would go through a field of professional snipers if it meant offering you a chance at living.

❀ Where words were not an obstacle for him, physical contact would. In fact, it would be very difficult for him to initiate contact ; embraces, kisses, cuddles, holding hands. It's not like he never wanted it ; quite the contrary. His heart ached for the proximity he could embrace close to yours, and the warmth radiating through your carnal envelope. Even if he was more at ease with words and actions, it didn't mean that his kisses wouldn't radiate love and adoration. An exquisite tint of rose would delicately color his features once you would come closer.

❀ He would proudly show you off to the world, his eyes filled with the brightest constellations when he told the ones around that here was his soulmate, standing as the warmest source of light in the entire universe, as the purest form of life in the darkest valleys. Nevertheless, he wouldn't be a territorial partner and would never once take you for granted ; and reminding you of how lucky he was to have you was the least he could do.



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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