Prologue ♡ Present: Every Girl Is A Princess

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I wonder what it would be like to feel beautiful at least once.

The thought snapped me awake.

I didn't know where it came from, just the same as I had no idea why there was a beam of light directly pointed to my retinas. My eyes squeezed and pain flared in my head. It was throbbing and the overload paralyzed me for precious seconds. Burrowing deeper into the blankets, the feel of cotton against my bare skin alerted me that this wasn't a regular morning. Something was up. I didn't normally sleep in the nude or wake up feeling like death. I twisted my head against the light and opened my eyes.

A yelp threatened to spill from my throat but I held it back. My body froze but my heart raced as if it wanted to escape my ribcage. Anyone would freak out if they opened their eyes to see they weren't alone in their bed.

Except this wasn't my bed, it was a hotel room's and the person under the blankets with me was not unknown and every bit as naked as I was.

His eyes were shut, long eyelashes glinting by the sunlight that spilled from the window, casting shadows over his cheeks. There was a definite 5 o'clock shadow situation going on that my fingers were itching to explore, but that would wake him. A curl of copper hair tickled his forehead and there was a pang in my heart, the same one I felt every time I looked at him when I wasn't prepared. Like looking directly into the sun. Like looking directly into a heartbreak waiting to happen.

I had to get out of here.

Lucky, I thought, that he was deep in slumber and our limbs weren't tangled together. I lifted the blanket slow and careful and a flash of heat traveled through my body. We were naked, alright, and memories of last night threatened with breaking my composure. But I had a mission, and that was getting the hell out of dodge before those mesmerizing green eyes of his opened and his pretty lips started forming words I didn't want to hear. I clenched my teeth and wiggled closer to the edge of the bed, keeping an eye out to make sure he was still out cold. Even though we'd definitely worked ourselves out last night, my big body didn't exactly have the finesse required to do things like this undetected. But he must be tired because he didn't stir even after I bumped the bedside table lamp with my elbow.

I was breathing hard by the time I extricated myself from the bed. The blankets covered him only to just about waist level, the thick muscles in display made my mouth water and for a hot second I debated whether to make my way into his arms and wake him up for round four. But I shook my head. Last night was a fluke. A weird, wonderful, drunken fluke that wasn't ever going to happen again. If life had taught me anything it was that I wasn't his type. Giant women like me and gorgeous, regular sized men like him weren't suited.

Okay, he wasn't regular sized everywhere. There were certain parts of him that were well above average and-

I fanned my face. No doubt I was blushing. Sex or not, he'd always had that effect on me.

Miguel Bernal.

We went way, way back. It felt like another lifetime when we crossed paths through mutual friends at Trinity and an entirely different one when we became friends at college for a while. And then life went on its course and I thought I'd never see him again.

Until last night.

I ran a shaky hand through the mass of soft pink tangles and curls that was my hair. What possessed me to sleep with him? Weren't years of sad history between us enough to make me run the opposite way? One look at Miguel in his tuxedo and his sexy little smile and I did anything but. It was like magnetism. Only he had the power to make me, Addy Holt, want to divest myself of my garments faster than I put them on. Damn him.

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