》ch. 28

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Everyone was able to hold their own against the tens of people that would charge at them at a time. Zoro's enemies were left bleeding with deep gashes across their skin. Sanji's were left bloody and bruised from his aggressive kicks. Luffy and Jimbei had people literally and running blown away from their attacks. People that fought against you, however, had a different story. 

They were left with bloody wounds, the lucky ones with bruises, and were all running away before being forced to try and attack you by Hody. It was a repeating process and tou enjoyed putting these fishmen in their place for trying to attack you and your friends. 

For a moment, your eyes shifted to Sanji and Zoro who were glaring at each other. 

Sanji was staring at the trail of bodies that Zoro had left behind whilst the moss-head was grinning. 

"Hey! Don't think this is over yet, Moss head!" 

"You can't catch up to me Noseb-" 

"Yoo-hoo! You guys forgot about me, hmm? I think I said that I was now apart of this friendly competition." Holum said, flying himself to the duo of angered males. 

"This was never friendly!" They both yelled at the demon, running in the same direction to try and beat each other's uncounted record. 

An explosion of flying fishmen bodies followed after the three attacked a large group of people. 

"Don't tell me they're fighting over a girl?" Jimbei said with a dumbfounded expression. As he watched the three pummel and demolish anyone that stood in their way with a certain glint in their eyes, someone tried to sneak up behind him. Luckily, they were stopped by the sprouted arms that trapped him. 

"I would think that it's amusing...almost an inviting competition," Robin says with a grin, "but please, ignore them. They are always like that." 

"Honestly, I didn't expect them to be so romantically driven, but then again those three would never change..." Nami said before thinking to herself, 'Are all three of them even romantically driven?' 

But she was snapped out of her thought when Usopp and Chopper jumped onto the ship, wanting to get away from the danger. And an orange starfish was following closely after. 

"You're bugging me go somewhere else!" Zoro yells after slashing someone across theior stomac. 

"You go!" Sanji calls back immediately. 

"No, you two need to leave now!" Holum says, pausing his flight to be above the crowd. Suddenly there is another wave of darkness going over the crowd, but Zoro and Sanji are too intrigued (and a bit pissed off he was taking all of the attention) to even move out of the way as they were told to. 

As his hands were not coated black with a tint of red, he put the two together before spreading his arms wide for the black aura to expand over the crowd. It was like a giant, circle shadow was thrown over the crowd. 

"Opening: Hell's Gate! A thousand souls!" Foreign words were chanted and everyone was confused before they began inferring what he said. Through the shadows, there formed the shape of several mystical creatures, most of them gargoyles. 

Sanji and Zoro's eyes seemed a bit shocked to see the ancient creatures in person, but were even more shocked when they say Holum beginning to transform into a shadow himself. And when he back what looked to be a mostly ghastly form with a strikingly white bull's skull as his head, as well as exposed rib cages and fingers that were elongated. 


The gargoyles attacked whatever they saw as an enemy as Holum's new form flew over the crowd, picking fishman up by their clothes and tossing them in whatever direction. 

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