ch. 08 | ace

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I jogged my way to Ace as Karma stayed behind making a phone call which he seemed to always do with a bright smile on his face. It was weird at first, but I got over it seeing as he always took the call right away.

"Ace, come on," I stopped as I put my hand forward.

He replied stopping, "I thought for once I could trust you."

Finally when I got his attention I put my hand back down and began talking to him once more so that I could get some sense into him. I mean at this point he might as well have been my fast one day friend because we talked about a lot or found out a lot from one another.

"You can. So, I'm still taking you to the park that Karma and I go to. Also, I don't think he's coming back because for the two weeks I've known him he's always been on his phone," I said looking over to Karma then back at Ace.

He sighed, "Ugh, he's still talking to Jeniffer even after that whole week."

"Hm? What whole week?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. Let's just go."

"Alright, alright," I quickly signled Karma with a thumbs up and a wave of a goodbye.

We continued to walk for the next five minutes finally arriving at my favorite park. We kept walking until we sat down on a nearby bench.

"Ace... Karma told me about you being a reckless, self reserved guy you were, but finally meeting you was like the opposite, why?"

"I guess something just triggered me," he replied in sincerity.

"Don't worry, that's all I have to ask. I am impressed by you seeing as how you both are very good at hiding things and keeping up a façade, how is that?"

"I thought you were done," he commented.

"Guess not."

"We're amazing that's all."

I started to wonder in deep thought as I stared at the hard, gray, concrete floor and a thought sprang into mind. Why am I still flustered? I got up from the bench and was starting to walk away so that I could get a clear mind when a bike's bell could be heard though I didn't hear it quick enough as I was already in the way. I was about to get hit when I felt Ace's hand grab my wrist making me land right into his hard chest. I gasped after it happened so quickly, but I also felt his heaving chest. I was breathless and thanks to Ace I was safe. What worried me though was the fact that he was holding onto me tightly as if I could break at any moment if I wasn't taken care of.

"Ace, it's okay. I'm fine," I comforted.

He finally let go and out of surprise he cupped my cheeks in his hands leading into a kiss as he brought me closer. Another daydream interrupted when Ace, real Ace, began calling my name out.

"You space out a lot, are you sure you're okay?" He asked concerned.

"You know what? Fuck it!"

Finally, making my dreams turn into reality I grabbed his face and brought it closer to mine leaning in for the kiss that I've been craving for. I couldn't hold back and neither could he because he returned my kiss. After ten hot seconds we pulled away from each other and I placed my forehead against his as I gave him a smile.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that."

He added, "That makes two."

I pulled back and continued to face him."I know... I didn't realize it until now, but when I placed my hand on your heart, it wasn't just about me because it was about you too. I learned that when I was with Luna and Karma. Luna saw my hand glow so I told her to keep it a secret. Even then she is just five years old. Karma though told me after getting to know him more that I could place my hand on ones to chest to give them warmth and find out what they feel."

"Ah, so, you felt what I felt."

"Essentially yes, but to add on I connect with them. 'Cause with Karma I saw him with Jeniffer, but I saw myself in his life as we talked together though that's when it stopped because I couldn't handle it."

"Why not?"

"I don't know..."

After that he placed his arm around me and brought me into his warm embrace as we continued to stand. I couldn't help, but feel safe around him including Karma which made me happier than before. Ace had his chin resting on my head because I was shorter than him by five inches which triggered me — I was five foot six, I didn't enjoy being short. We stood there for a couple of minutes until I pulled from his embrace and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I don't know what'd we call this, but I can officially say there's a connection between us," I smiled.

He smiled back at me, "Damn it, London, you're irresistible."

I laughed, "Are I now?"

The wind blew and a strand of hair fell on my face causing my to blow it away, but Ace let go of one hand and tucked the strand behind my ear. After that he placed another kiss on my lips. I smiled and finally Karma had arrived as he waved at us, I quickly ran to him giving him a hug.

"Karma! How's Jeniffer?" I asked curiously.

He let me go as we began walking to Ace who was walking closer with his hands in his pocket. He stopped when we finally got near and Karma replied after he got there.

"Well," he sighed. "It's going, but she's still having trouble at work."

"Aw, really? Why don't we visit her then?" I proposed.

"Yeah... that's not going to work," Karma replied.

"Why not?"

"I can answer that," Ace added.

I looked at Ace who gave an eye roll, "You see before Karma was with Jeniffer I actually hooked up with her and after that I just stopped so, Jeniffer can no longer stand my presence."

I clicked my tongue as I sighed. Not even surprised. I stopped looking over at Ace who had his arms crossed suddenly and went back to looking at Karma so that he can at least change the mood of the situation.

"Anyway, I can just go on my own after all she's my girlfriend."

"True, well, I guess Ace and I can continue to walk around here at least."

"Or continue to make people uncomfortable with your PDA," Karma teased.

I punched him lightly on the shoulder, "Ugh, you saw, but we really are just going to walk around."

He laughed and we finished small talk among each other when Karma decided to go seeing as it was time for Jeniffer to get off of work. We saw each other off at the bus station and Ace was standing leaning against the pole and with a final wave I dashed towards Ace as I placed my hand in his pocket where his hand was.

"You know it's fine to be jealous," I stated.

"And what makes you think I'm jealous?"

"Direct hit in the heart," I said jokingly touching my heart.

"Fine for you I'll be jealous anytime."

We laughed in the end as we continued to hold hands while walking back to the house. After our nice small walk we arrived at the house and someone was sitting on the porch bench reading a book, who at first I didn't recognize until they got up.

"Oh, hey!" I called out. "Ace, it's Amy, my best friend."

She stood up from the bench and waved at me as she began walking down the steps when Ace walked in front of me approaching her. I stopped midway because Ace signaled me to and I stepped back as I grabbed my necklace. It helped me ease myself when I felt panicked, but honestly I didn't know why I felt panicked now. This necklace was also given to by Amy who said represented purity because it was a diamond. My hand held tightly around it and when it did the color of diamond changed into this glowing dark red color. I was confused, but their voices became inaudible.

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