Chapter 1

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I wake up, drooling on a desk.

"Hmmm?" I say, "I don't remember coming in here." I get up and realize that there see cameras all around the classroom. Why would they have cameras in a classroom? I thought to myself.

I also noticed the steel plates covering what would be windows. Strange. There was also a hand-written brochure. It looked like it was made by a five year old. It said-meet at the gymnasium at 8:00. It was already 8:25. I swore I got here early.

So I got up, and hauled myself to the gymnasium, realizing that there was a map in my pocket.

I walked into what looked like a trophy room with doors right behind it. I opened the cold,smooth handle of the door. There were at least fourteen people in there, all in different outfits. Heck, I even saw a blonde wearing a dino hoodie.

"Why are you late?!" A girl in a green hoodie yelled at me, "We were supposed to meet at 8:00!"

"Like, who even cares that he's late?" A girl with pink hair put into a ponytail said. "Jude?" A familiar voice called. It sounded like, "Liv?" I turned around to see a familiar face. We were in the same school together for for years. But... I was just an average guy and, she was.. Popular.

"I'm so glad that I have someone I know here!" She exclaimed.

"Know?" I asked, "You barley knew me. The only time we actually talked was when your binder fell, and I helped clean it up."

"Yes, and you were so nice." She replied happily. I was still confused on how she remembered me. And with that,I meet all the other people. There was a variety of ages,sizes, and fashion. After awhile, a demonic voice came up on the loud speaker. Hello, students. Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy. Then, without warning, two balls, what looked like marble and obsidion, burst out of the walls and crashed together to make a...... Teddy bear?
Welcome, students to Hope's Peak Academy.

"Ahhh! It talks!" Said a girl in a blue jacket and white t-shirt.

"The teddy bear talks!" Screamed a girl in the dino suit.
I'm not a Teddy bear. I'm Monokuma. And I'm your principle. First things first. You're all here for the rest of your life.

With that, everyone pained. Even more so, because no-one could find their devices.
Calm down,everyone. You can get out one way...

"Yes! Freedom!" The one of three boys exclaimed.
But you have to murder and get away with it.

"Hmmmm... this will be fun." Said a girl in a purple v-neck.
Club, stab, drown, shoot, anything will go. Well, see you guys later.

We all stared at each other for what seemed like forever until a boy with shaggy hair said, " We should go in groups to search the school. And with that, I was going with a socially awkward person and the dino girl.
Alright. So I hope you liked the chapter. Remember to vote, comment, share, and follow. Thanks for the support, and I'll see you guys later!

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