Mind control

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Spooktober. 24

This may or may not hurt your heart a little lol

This is gonna be kinda long so bare with me XD


"Hey Mr. Stark!" "Peter?" "Hey! Sorry I'm a little late."

"Um Pete I want you to meet someone." Peter tilted his head. When he got into view, he saw that Tony had been sitting with some guy. "This is Jared." (Fuck you Jared)

"Um... H-hi! Nice to meet you." Peter forced out a smile and held out his hand for 'Jared' to shake. The man rolled his eyes snickering.

"Hello Parker." Peter awkwardly pulled down his hand when he realised it wasn't going to be shook. "Y-You can call me Peter if you'd like." "No Parker's fine," he said. "Um... ok then."

Peter realised that Jared was in his seat. He just stood there for a long second. "Peter. I don't really know how to put this but... you're fired." Peter's heart broke. "W-what? Why? Mr. Stark what'd I do?" "Oh nothing, nothing at all. I just found a good replacement. My new personal intern. This guy's really smart." Tony put an arm around him. He had fondness in his eyes.

What happened to calling Peter everything but his name? It was always kid, or Pete, or Underoos- even Mr. Parker at times to mock the 'Mr. Stark' thing.

Peter thought they had something. Something that made this a little more than just an internship.

"...I...I-I'm glad you found a good replacement..." He wanted to hug Tony goodbye, something that had become normal between the two, but something felt different. Normally Tony looked at Peter with a proud, fond look but now, he looked at him like a normal employee who was being given the news of loosing their job. Was that all he saw?

Peter got choked up by his thoughts. "Bye Mr. Stark... I guess... I'll see you around sometime..." "Yeah don't worry Peter. You'll see me on TV introducing Jared."

Peter sped out of the tower, not making eye contact with any of the other interns saying hello to him.

When he left, he didn't even see the despair in Tony's eyes clouded by the slight blue glow.

He ran home at full speed, not caring about his super abilities. He couldn't bring himself to have a second thought about it. This man meant so much to him. He was like his dad- which he hadn't had for years. Peter really thought he cared about him. How had he not seen how he was just a co-worker? Was it just because he was a superhero and his fucking idol?!

He shoved the keys in the door and slammed it shut.

"Peter! Why are you slamming that door again!? I thought I told you-!" She saw Peters state and ran over to him. Had he been crying? He couldn't tell with his spiralling thoughts screaming every mistake he made.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" He avoided her touch. If she comforted him, he would cry. If he cried, he would be shown to be weak. Is that why Tony fired him? He was too weak?

May looked hurt.

Great, now she would hate him too!

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