◇35 ◇

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🌄 Chapter 35🌄

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🌄 Chapter 35🌄


That the sound of the already delicate, fragile glass castle that upheld her sanity obliterating right before her eyes.

In shaky, shallow breaths she asked, "E-excuse me...c-can you say that again..? I must've misheard..."

"We're very sorry for your loss Miss Y/N. You may contact your parents for more information. Again, we sincerely send our condolences. We wish you good luck."

The call ended.

Her phone slipped out of the palm of her hand, falling onto the floor with a loud crash.

Seraphin had awoken from the loud noise, sitting up with confusion. Where did John and Y/N go? The purple haired girl peeked outside the door in the direction of where the sound came from.

"You oka—?"

All that remained was reminisces of a broken phone scattered across the floor.


The school press was currently having a meeting, people typing away at their laptops and chattering away. They unanimously flinched when the door slammed open aggressively, startled by the sudden noise.

When they saw their King, Arlo, with a deadly expression written over his face, they gulped and slowly backed away from his path. Cecile merely stood in her spot, arms crossed at the blonde. "Arlo. What brings you here today?"

Without a word, he pulled out the article of Seraphina and punched it onto the table, creating a hole.

"What was that for?!" She yelled. "You're scaring everyone!"

Eyes illuminating a deep blue, he gritted, "Didn't I tell you to keep this news between us? Why the hell is it floating around school? Cecile, I've been lenient towards you all this time because we were once teammates. You insulted both Remi and Remi, and I let it slide. Now you disrespect Seraphina, then ignore a direct order from me? That's not going to fly."

The press members watched anxiously at the sideline, Juni, the green haired bun bitch, among them.

Cecile swallowed, "Look Arlo, this has nothing to do with-"

"You control all the information that goes around the school...and you expect me to believe you had no part in this? Please. Regardless, I gave you a job and you failed me. So clearly, you aren't fit for this position. Isen!" He called.

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