The Letter

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Note: this book does NOT follow the Harry Potter books. This story takes place during their fifth year.


Hermione Granger was eating breakfast at the Burrow with Harry and Ron when the owl came.

"Post is here!" Mrs. Weasley shouted. 

Ginny, Fred, and George came running downstairs. Mrs. Weasley grabbed the letters and had them sorted out before the owl had flown away. For some odd reason Hermione had a big stack of letters today.  Everyone who received a letter, started with the letter with a Hogwarts crest.

"No way!" Hermione giggled happily. "I got the girl prefect!" 

"Same!" Ron exclaimed. "But I mean a boy not a girl. I'm not the girl prefect."

Ginny rolled her eyes.

Hermione then started opening the next letter. It had a homemade envelope, and I could tell it had recently been written because she could almost smear the ink. It was written in loopy handwriting; sort of like hers.

Dear Hermione,

This is probably a bit of a shock for you, but you were adopted. I'm your real mother. I work at Hogwarts. Meet me under the Whomping Willow after the feast. You have been excused from your Prefect duties and are approved to be out to discuss this once term starts.

With love,

There was no signature. Well there was. It appeared the signature had half been ripped off. The other half was smeared terribly from tear stains. 

 It was odd. And shocking. 

"Mrs. Weasley," Hermione shakily said.

"Yes dear?" Molly asked.

Hermione handed her the letter.

Mrs. Weasley kept her face expressionless, so no one could tell what she was thinking.

Ginny was reading it over Molly's shoulder. "You want to know now Mione, don't you?" She questioned.

Hermione's world started to spin upside down at that moment, and for once in her life,  she had no clue what to do about it.

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