Chapter 36

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The morning arrived and I found myself sleeping by the open window. I got up with aching muscles as I look over to my bed and seeing the little prince still asleep. There I also see Lin and Mei Mei still resting, but soon they open their eyes. "Good morning," I said to them. Lin and Mei Mei quickly clear out their sleeping stuff.

As they were ready to head out, "We will be right back for breakfast." they said and left the room.

Soon enough Lin and Mei Mei have returned with food in their hands as the smell filled the room and cause the little prince to wake up.
"Hungry?" I tease and smile at the little prince who was nodding rapidly.

After eating, the 5th Prince had to go back, "Thank you for being there for me,'' he said shyly.

"No problem. My doors are always open for you," I said and smile at him.

As I sat there not knowing what to do today. The festival was still is going for 14 more days. I had nothing to do or had no family to celebrate with these past days as I sat in my room staring outside, bored and drinking bitter medicine. Until it was the day before the Chinese New Year was over, I could no longer sit in my room.

It was nighttime when I sneak off to the village. Lin and Mei Mei didn't want me to go on my own, so they follow me. I walk into the village to see crowds of people buying all sorts of things and to find the village still decorated with beautiful colors. I was so excited to explore and began to sway my arm back and forth. I went to every stall and was window shopping until I found something I liked while Lin and Mei Mei try keeping up with me.

"Can I have this?" I said as I found some food delicious.
I quickly pull out some money and hand it to the owner. He then handed me the food and I shove the food in my mouth as the food just melted in my mouth; it was so delightful. I soon again went around each stall, eating every food I can get until a little girl bump into me and fell over. "Oh, sorry," I said, but she was already crying on the ground as I was about to step forward and see if she was okay, her mother already was there.

"My baby, are you okay? Mommy is here. I told you to slow down," she said and pick the little girl up.

The little girl continues to sob. "Owwie," She wailed and point to the tiny injury on her knee.

"Oh my baby, it okay. Don't cry. Here" her mother said and lower her head and blow on the tiny wound. "All better. Come now," she said and pick her child up into her arm. She then looks at me and smiles while she nods her head slightly and left with her child in her arms. There I'm still crouching on the ground, staring blankly at the dirt.

My ear listened to the crowd, "Come, son, your father is waiting for us." said a women
"Yeah,.. so we can bring him his favorite food." said a little one.

"Hurry! We are going to be late for the dinner with mom... dad... uncle... auntie... grandma,.. and grandpa" said another.
"Coming!" said another.
"Can't wait for family dinner!" another said.

My body stuck in the middle of everyone passing by, trying to get to their loved one.
It was the holidays where I would tease my mother about cooking too much food while my father would pick out a piece of meat off the plate when we were not done cooking. My brother watching tv as I yelled at him for not helping. The sound of the doorbell ringing and my relative flooding in. Children scream and adults talking. The warm cozy feeling when it gets crowded in the dining room...

"My lady?" Lin and Mei Mei called me.

"Huh?" I snap out and push myself up to stand up as my heart felt heavy and bitter inside. "Let's go back," I said with no emotion.

Once we arrive back to my room, I did not uttering a single word or sound and flop myself down by the table. "Lin, bring me alcohol," I out of nowhere said.

"What do you say, my lady!" she said shock.
"I said bring my alcohol!" I repeat myself.
"But.. my lady," Lin tries to speak, but I wouldn't budge. "Yes, my lady." She said and sigh. There I notice Mei Mei was not in sight. Did she go with Lin when I was not paying attention? Soon Lin arrives back with a jar of alcohol, but no Mei Mei; however, I was too caught up with the jar.

I grab teacup and Lin pour alcohol into the cup. This is my first time drinking. This seems to help release stress base on the 1st prince's actions before. Let's give it a try. I brought up to my mouth and drunk it in one shot. [author notes: this is to "spice up" the story, don't drink. Drinking doesn't solve your problems.]
"Ewwww, it's bitter like my heart" I cringe.

At that moment, my whole felt tipsy and my vision became blurry as I have become drunk in an instance. I set the cup down with a loud thud while my body was swaying. "More," I said lazy and lay my head down on my arm.

"But...." Lin said in distress.

I began tapping the cup against the table and Lin pours more alcohol in my cup. I once again lift the cup to my mouth and was leaning back. Once I finished drinking, I dangled the cup beside me before I drop it and lost balance and allowing gravity to take control.

Then I felt two cold hands grabbing both of my arms and pulling me up until I was stable-ish. All I could see was a blurry figure in front of me and soon I hear the doors being shut, I then squint my eyes to see clearly. I somewhat saw better and shout, "Y-you.... you..... jerk!" I point at him. "Cause... of you my... my.... heart hurts. My... my... heart.. is... so bitter with envy......" I cry and started to hit my chest.

The icy voice spoke, "What did I do?".

"Y-you.. are the s-stupid obstacle in MY way to going home!" I whine. "Y-you won't let me go to the the mountain, but lock me up and making the guards block me! C-cause of you!" I yell. "I want to go home... to my t-time," I cry softly and patted my chest.
"I- I don't like this time... I want to back to the....... 21st CENTURY!" I said, shooting my pointer finger up.
I then lean forward, "You know... Shhh... I- I don't belong here. I live across the country and.....from a century where there are phones and the internet! BUT.... the most important thing is I want to go home...... My heart is so bitter to the point I miss my mama to death. I miss her food.... her smell. My family...... I miss them.... too... It hurts, you know. I envy everyone who can spend time with THEIR family. What about ME? I-I'm all by myself." I cry out with warm tears streaming down my cheek. As my head bobbing up and down until it falls onto the table and I'm no longer awake.

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