Chapter 42

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I lay in bed for a few minutes in silence as it felt like hours."Here you go, your highness," said someone.

"Set it down on the table" said the 4th prince as I slowly opened my eyes a little bit to see what's happening. "You can go. I'll watch her," the 4th Prince ordered Lin to leave. As he was facing his back to me, I fully opened my eyes and lifted my head, and started shaking my head rapidly as I was mouthing, "NO".

"Ummmm...." Lin tried to speak.

"Leave," he ordered again.

I was constantly shaking my head and mouthing "NO" again and again. Lin just looked at me then at the prince, and reluctantly turned to leave.
NOOOO, this can't be happening.
I was screaming in my head.

The doors finally closed and I quickly shut my eyes. Soon, I heard his footsteps walking then a chair being pushed, which I thought he must have sat down and started working. I peek open one of my eyes to see him doing his work.
Man, I'm dying of heat in here!

I clench shut my eyes tightly, trying to endure the heat, and my forehead was dripping in sweat.
I can't anymore.... but...... can do this.
I start to move around to un-tuck the blanket from beneath me.
It's so hot!
I want to fan myself under the blanket, but didn't want it to seem obvious that I was awake. As sweat dripped down like a river.

A few minutes later,
I can't stand it ANYMORE! I'M BURNING UP!
I got up and threw the blanket off of me and jumped out of bed, and started breathing heavily as I started fanning myself.

A voice from behind spoke, "What, I thought you were sick?"
I turn around to see him smirking.

"You- you-.... you knew. Didn't you?" I said, pointing at him as anger rose in me.

"Who told you to make it so noticeable," he said and looked directly to the bed where you could see the teapot.

"Why- why didn't you say anything?" I said angry.

"I wanted to see how long you could stay in there," He mock and continues to smile.

My anger exploded and could hardly speak, "YOU- you-..." as I could only point at his face.

"Well then, I guess I'll meet you at my workroom immediately. Ah, I also want some tea but not any kind, I want the most expensive oolong tea," He said and picked up his stuff and left the room without turning back, leaving me speechless alone in my room while I was hyperventilating.
Breathe.... Breathe.... Phew.....
I exhale as an idea appears, and a smile comes rolling on my face.

An hour later, I walk into the 4th Prince's workroom with a tray of tea. I use one hand to hold the entire tray while I use my other hand to open the door. I pulled the door to slide aside and there I saw the 4th prince working.

"Your highness," I said, forcing a smile and holding my temper.

I walked to him and set the tray down right in front of me, and I sat down. I then flip a teacup right side up and pour him some tea."Here you go," I said, with my face tense up and trying to smile while I held the cup in front of him.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up and grabbed the cup. He then looked at the tea and then to me. "Did you put something in the tea?" He said, looking at me seriously like he saw right through me.

"Of course not. What do you mean?" I act. "It's what you ask for, oolong tea, the most expensive tea," I smiled.

He continued to stare at the tea and then he slowly brought it to his lips while I watched him, drinking it as I was holding my excitement. Once he took a sip, his whole body and facial expression froze in place, I then brought my hands up to cover my laugh.

Then he closed his lips and gulped down the tiny sip of tea with his whole facial not making any movement. "What did you put in here?" He said deadly.

"It's oolong. Ain't it?" I said, tilting my head.

"Oh really, then why do I taste kuding leaves," he said as my whole body froze in place.
Man, he has good taste buds.

An hour before, I went to the market and went to a stall that sells tea. "Hello sir, but can I get a pound of the most expensive oolong tea," I ask.

He chuckled, " Yes." He then opened a pouch and poured dried up leaves into it.

"Umm, sir, do you possibly have the most bitterest tea?" I ask.

"Of course! The kuding tea. Would like some?" he offered.

"Yes, I'll take 2 pounds of it," I said and pulled up two fingers from my hand.

Once I arrived back at the palace, I put hot water into a teapot and grabbed a handful of oolong tea into the pot, then I grabbed the bag of kuding tea and poured half the bag into the teapot. I smiled and closed the lid.

"So I'm guessing correctly," He said, looking at my silence.

"You truly have a palate," I said lazily.

"But you truly have tricks up your sleeves and you are not afraid to use it," he said.

"Well, of course." I said, not interested.

"I expect to have my oolong tea now," he said deadly.

"Fine," I said in an unmannered way. I push myself up and walk out of the room.

A few minutes later, I arrive back with a new set of tea and place it down and pour him tea."Here you go, your highness." I vaguely respond. He took the cup and looked at it with full suspicion. "Don't worry I didn't put anything in there this time." I said out loud while I lazily leaned against the table.

He took a sip and was rest assured that it was oolong tea, then he set the cup down and went back to work.

I sigh,
am I supposed to sit here the entire time for the whole day?

"Your highness, may I return back to my court?" I act sweetly and kind with a fake smile on my face.

He didn't look up from his work and replied, "Don't try to act nice all of a sudden and your duty for now on is to be by my side wherever I go and at all times,"

My smile had died, "Tsk" I turned my head away and sat there in this quiet room with this annoying person!

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