Chapter 57

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I had a hard time sleeping because I couldn't sleep on my lay on my left side. I groaned a bit and slowly opened my eyes to see the light was still on.
Hmm? Did Lin forget to blow the candle out?
I use my hands to slowly get myself up, and I groan once more.
Man, I definitely use a lot of my strength today.
Then I had this weird feeling that someone was here, so I turned my head slowly to see the 4th Prince, sitting by the table. "WHAT are you DOING!" I said, shocked. "HOW long have you been sitting there?" I said. "you creep" I added softly, so he couldn't hear me. However, he didn't say a word as I slowly got off the bed. Once I got up, I felt extreme pain hitting me, but then I quickly straightened up and forced myself to move.
It's okay. You got this. Just reach until you make it to the table.

I aggressively plop down next to the table and use my elbow as support. I deeply exhaled and forgot the presence of the 4th Prince as I quickly straightened up and smiled at him. I looked into his eyes and recalled what Lin had told me. I slightly opened my mouth to begin my confrontation, " So I heard that you didn't sleep nor eat during the time I was in sleep. Is that true?"

He nodded without speaking to me which kind of irritated me. "Why? Lin could have taken care of me," I said.
"Because I just wanted to be there for you," he said as my heart started to race with my face getting hot and butterflies stirred in my stomach. I felt his gaze on me and I lowered my head down to touch my burning cheeks. Soon I could hear the words he just said over and over in my head.

"And because I was watching you and didn't eat anything. I want to peel this orange for me," he ordered, which just crushed all this rising climax I just had. I looked up at him and gave him the most annoying expression. I saw the two oranges on the table that he just placed in front of him which I reached over and grabbed one. I held it in my hands and used my thumbnail to stab in the orange and began to rip the orange peel off. There I begin to mumble to myself, "Stingy guy, ordering a weak person to peel him an ORANGE!"
"What did you say?" He said, looking at me. I then pulled a fake smile and said, "Nothing." I took out my anger on the orange. "And I was having these feelings for.... h-i-m. but NOT anymore." I continue to mutter to myself.

"What's taking you so long." He complained.
Then you do it, brat! I'm not your servant! I'm an injured PERSON!
I continue to mind my own business and take it out on the orange. Once the orange was clean of its peel, I handed him the round orange and said, "Here you go." As he looked at me dumbfounded and said, "What am I supposed to eat like this."
Ah, my neck. My neck! My neck! Breathe. Breathe. Just remember he took care of me without sleeping or eating.
I retract my hand with the orange and use both of my thumbs to dive into the middle and pull apart the orange into two.
"Hum," I responded and lifted my hand to tell him to take the orange now, but he didn't, instead he opened his mouth. My eyebrows raised.
You gotta be kidding me now. He wants me to feed him!

I tried to calm myself down.
Jasmine remembered he took care of me.
I plastered a smile and ripped a piece of the orange and placed it in his mouth. Then I sat there waiting for him to hurry up and finish chewing.
I rip a piece for me and place it in my mouth with half of it sticking out when the 4th prince clears his throat telling me to give him another piece; I quickly look down and hurriedly peeled a piece for him without eating mine yet. I looked up and was about to give him his piece, but his lip crashed into mine as my mouth burst in flavors!

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