Lauren's pov:

It's the weekend and Camila and her family are around again, her family heard about be getting suspended for beating the shit out of Austin.

"Lo" Camz said, I look at her and nod

"You okay?" She asked, I nod and she frowns

"Don't lie to me" she said, I frown

"Well then if you knew I'm not okay why fucking ask" I say and got up, I grab my jacket and shoes and Camila ran over to me

"Okay, I'm sorry...what's wrong?" She asked, I sigh to control my anger

"I just want 30 minutes alone okay" I say, she nods softly

"But...did I do something?" She asked, I shook my head

"Look Camila, I need to go before I break something or someone" I say, she nods softly I kiss her head and leave, I go to the gym and was glade I wasn't late. I'm starting to take up boxing to help with my anger, but my family doesn't like boxing so I'm kind of stuck.

"Yo, Rocky" I say, he smiles and looks at me

"Jauregui, you're in skinny jeans, do you really think you can fight like that?" He asked, I look down and shook my head and sigh

"You're Lucky I have a spare pare" he said, I smile and he passed me them and I go get changed into them, I take my hoodie off and we get in the ring.

"You're good" he said, I smile Throwing a right hook

"Thanks" I say, I doge his uppercut

After the fight we take the gear off and he looks at me

"So, tell me, have you boxed before?" He asked, I look at him drinking some water

"Does having a fight in highschool everyday count?" I ask, he giggles shaking his head

"No, is that why you're taking boxing up, to help stop you fighting?" He asked, I nod

"Yeh, I just have a burst of anger randomly and need to punch something, so I thought hey boxing could help, it's also to not loose my girlfriend and not get my family to hate me" I say, he smiles

"Ah, so you're doing it for yourself and loved ones" he said, I nod he smiles and taps my back

"Well, you're good at it so don't give it up okay, also if you ever get that burst of anger that you need to punch something, take a deep breath and just think about your girlfriend okay, cause I can tell you can't hit her" he said, I nod

"Never" I say, he nods and smiles

We talk some more until I leave, they all look at me and Camila smiles lightly

"Where have you been?" Mom asked, I look at her

"The gym" I say, it's not a full lie

"In skinny jeans?" She asked, I look down

"My friend there had a spare pare of shorts" I say, she shook her head

"Just go get showered you stink" mom said, I roll my eyes and Camila follows me up

"Lo, where have you really been?" She asked when we was in the room

"The gym...just a boxing one" I say, she smiles

"You're doing boxing?" She asked, I nod

"Yeh, I think it will help with my anger, also I'm fucking good at it" I say, she giggles

"I bet you'd be, why did you decide to do boxing?" She asked, I look at her taking my shirt off

"To help with my anger...also I don't want to lose you because I can't control it, I just want to have a way to not want to beat the shit out of everyone I see" I say, she smiles and kisses me and I kiss her back

It's hate but it's love-Camren Where stories live. Discover now