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You are the person who always wear hundred emotions on your face, gets annoyed for random reasons and with your non- ending rants about how stupid "some girls" are. Your unknowingly sweetness, Your smart ass self, Your stubbornness, Your childishly silly -- I want to know them all even it will take me thousand years. 

You are a book who is worthy to read, your every page excites me more than Shakespeare masterpiece. Because of reading you I have seen a thousand scene, a thousand minds.

The adorable things you do that never fails to make me smile, much more as your silliness never fails to make me laugh, your carelessness that make my eyebrow furrowed. You are meant to handle with caution, a beautiful mess. Because of it.

I saw myself diving into the depths of your mind, never finding a way back. - your scars, your fears, your blemishes -- Beautiful it is. Your words shake my existence and thoughts that will bring shivers in me. 

Your weirdness, that many will not understand., Because they are not willing to dive into your wholeness, they only tend to judge you based on their criteria, based on their beliefs and not because of what's your vision. 

Your smile (XDDDD) that I admire the most, every time you talk about things you love, And that goal and dreams you have. I can't wait to see you blossom, my little Lily 

"You fitted in this emptiness I have been carrying for years and your appearance in my life makes me want to drown again, because you're worthy of it. I love me better when I met you".

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