part three

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Then shadow felt like the whole school was watching him as he went to lunch

Amy: hey shadz wanna sit with me and my friends

Shadow hesitated at first then he gave in and sat with them.
They just stared at him then Rouge broke the ice by saying

Rouge: So Shadow why did you and Amy hold hands in class when you both showed up late at the same time,

Shadow just sat there and then saw sonic a green guy and a guy that was purple and had a horn on his nose

Scourge:ha so this is him the guy that beat you up?

Sonic: I bet that he cheated some how

Espiso(I think): wow he looks weak but how did he beat you

Then sonic in anger punched shadow

Blaze: Hey what the hell sonic

Cream: hey are you okay
Mr. Shadow

Then shadow punched sonic three times and sonic fell over and tried to trip shadow

Then Shadow picked up sonic by the neck and held him up and said

Shadow: *whisper* don't touch me okay

He said with a chilling smile on his face
Then he thown sonic on the floor

Okay I only have like a few minutes here up this ist new account hurry and go to it

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