"loving me was a mistake"

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Jennie's PoV


"Jennie you're fucked!!"

"yeah I need to know what to wear-"

"No look!"

She hands me her phone of an article with me and this Kai guy on it

"Kai admits that he likes...Jennie spotted cuddling with someone at the open movie night?!" I read out

"I mean you can't tell that it's Jisoo or a boy since you can't see her face and her dark hair literally blends in with the background" Chae said

"Yeah but Jisoo.."

"Where are you two going today?"

"An art exhibition and I think it's private since people were invited to it"

"That's good so I guess that won't draw much attention"

"What do you mean?"

"I doubt the people there would know who you are"

"You doubt because?"

"Jisoo knows her stuff okay so you should be fine"

"I guess"

"But we need to sort out this Kai guy!!"

"What do I do? Will I loose fans? Will I gain hate? What if people genuinely believe this? And what about Jisoo? Does she believe it? I mean I don't even know th-"

"Calm yourself Jen"

"I'm just..."

"Worried I know but we'll figure out something"

"Thanks Chae but you do know I have no interest in him at all"

"You've made yourself clear" she laughed

"Okay well now help me with my outfit today!"

— — — — — —

Jisoo PoV

Nice well everyone is catching onto the girl I like and they know that she was on a date with some random person but the good thing is, is that they didn't catch the face of that random person because that random person is me! Damn why did I end up falling for a celebrity?

I ran my hand through my hair, caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and got out of my house opening my car door

I strapped myself in and drove off to Jennie's house with a jittery feeling and it's hard to describe but it's as if I'm full of energy and excitement but also kinda dying thinking about this certain girl

The thing that worries me the most is that people finds out about whatever is happening between us and it just-

Incoming call with Lisa

Picked up call

"Yo Jisoo you know
about the article right?"
Lisa said in the other line

"Yeah I don't know
how to feel like
what if they find out
it's me?"

"I mean our whole school
basically thinks you guys
are a thing"

"We are but I don't
know what to do
about the whole
article thing"

"Maybe talk to her
manager about it"

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