scene 47- bandages

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He had stopped at a stable and was now brushing his horse, thinking. He had left Zelda by herself. Sure, there were other people with her, but he was her knight. He couldn't just leave her. What a terrible knight he was.

He picked up another brush, this one for the legs. What if the Yiga attacked her while he was gone? What if she got seriously injured because he wasn't there to protect her? Yes, she was capable and strong, but he was supposed to protect her. And if he wasn't there to do his job...
Who knows what could happen?

He finished brushing the horse and took out another one. A faster one. His favorite. And he began the journey to Castle Town.


As he rode, he spotted a group of travelers heading toward Castle Town.
"Hello! Where are you going?"
He looked at them for a moment before answering.
"Castle Town."
"Cool! That's where we're going!"
"Hm. Interesting."

He rode faster, not quite trusting them.


He stopped just outside the ruins and hopped off of his horse. He ran in, noticing that quite a bit of progress had been made.

She looked up at him.
"Hm? Oh! Link! Hello. How have you been?"
"I came to check on you. I realized that I wasn't doing my job, so I'm here to do it."
"Good. I was just about to go out and look for you. We've gotten quite far, and I'd like to show you."
She smiled and pulled him away, further into the town.

"Most of the rubble has been cleared away, and we've started building."
He nodded, not looking where Zelda was pointing, looking at her instead. He didn't want to get another memory. He didn't want to get upset again.

Zelda showed him around more, then they went into a mostly finished building.
"We haven't begun furnishing yet, since none of the buildings have been finished."
He nodded, only half listening.
"So we'll still be camping outside. Is that okay with you?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah. That's fine."

They walked back out, Zelda still talking.
"With so many people, we'll finish sooner than I expected. It'll still take a while, but not as long as I thought. And if you help, it'll go even faster. Can you help?"
Without thinking, he replied with, "Yeah."
"Good! I'll need you in about an hour, and I'll give you your Sheikah slate then."

He watched as she walked away. What did he agree to, again?


He sat by the fountain, watching as workers walked back and forth past him. He stood up and walked away, to an area where no one was working. He looked around before rolling up his sleeve and taking out his knife.

He began slicing at the exposed skin inhaling sharply each time he did so.

Once he finished, he wiped away the blood and rolled his sleeve back down. He quickly pulled it back up, however, when he noticed that the blood hadn't stopped. He pushed down on the cuts, trying to make it stop, but it didn't work.

He went to get bandages from his bag before realizing that Zelda still had it. Then, he had an idea. He pulled his shirt up a bit and pulled the bandage off of his torso. After he was satisfied with the length, he tore it and started wrapping it around his arm. Hopefully the blood wouldn't soak through too much.

He rolled his sleeve down again and stood up to walk back to the square.


He sat back down by the fountain, examining the bandage. He'd have to put a new one on as soon as possible.
"Link! Are you ready?"
He looked up to see Zelda walking towards him. He nodded and stood up. She looked at his arm and asked,
"What are those bandages for?"

"Oh, I cut my arm on something. I'm fine, though. No big deal. I had to use some of the bandages I already had on."
"Ah. Well, we should probably take care of this before you get to work, then."
She lifted up his arm and went to unwrap the bandages, but he pulled it away.
"I can do it. Anyway, don't you think we should wait to take it off?"
"Oh. Right. That's a good idea. There are bandages in your bag, right? I can get it."

Zelda walked off, leaving him alone. She seemed to care about him, but if she truly did, then she'd have given him his stuff already. He wouldn't have to put new bandages on his arm.

She came back, holding a roll of bandages.
"Okay, here you go."
He took it from her and turned away. He quickly unwrapped the makeshift bandages off and put the new one on. He didn't want Zelda to see the cuts. He didn't want her to worry about him. She didn't need to.

He looked back up at her.
"Okay, let's go. What do you want me to do?"
"Well, I was thinking you could use your Sheikah slate to help move things."
He held his hand out, and Zelda put the Skeikah slate in it.

He followed her to an area where multiple people were working. The person in charge told him what to do, which was moving the bigger things.

He began using Magnesis to move the metal objects, holding them up high and out of the way. He didn't want to hit anybody's head. He did this with several objects, like boxes, doors, etc etc.

He was moving a rather large box when he heard someone call his name. He looked around, still holding the box up.
He jumped, dropping the box.


"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Princess! We need a medic!"
"Huh? Oh, goddesses! Um, you. Go get some help."
"I'm sorry, I surprised him, and-"
"It's okay. You didn't mean it. If it makes you feel any better, you can help."
"Thanks. By the way, my name is Morgan."

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