For Odin's sake.....

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For as long as Elsanna can remember, Jane Foster has been her mother. When she woke up on Midgard not knowing who she was, Jane was there.

Jane raised the princess as her own. On the child's 12th birthday, Jane noticed that her daughter was quite peculiar. Talking to flowers and animals as if they could understand her.

When Elsanna turned 15, she had reached 5'6 in height. And when she was eighteen, she stopped growing at 5'11. Instead of going to college, she stayed behind to help her mother. She claimed that the would get more education if she stayed, but Jane thinks it's something else entirely.

And when she was, 19 Elsanna was recruited by S.H.I.E.L.D. for her intelligence on things such as gamma detection, weaponry, and plasma energy as a weapon.

However, when it came time for the Avengers to come together to stop Loki from taking over the Earth, she got quite a shock. 

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