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TW// mentions of abuse and Homophobia, broken family

"I hate you." Hoseok slurred as he gripped onto the boys white v neck top and looked at him with rough eyes.

"You're just-"

"No, I fucking hate you how you make me feel this way, like I want to punch you so hard and drown you but at same time I want to smother your ugly ass face and feel your large veiny hands tangle in my hair."

"Shut up you're still drunk and angry so you're talking nonsense."

"But I fell in love with you from the start you idiot, I liked you since I first saw you, are you denying my fucking feelings?"

"I'm not, I'm- it's hard to take in."

"Well I'll answer that with a kiss."


"Huh? Why? Are you suddenly pussying out?"

"You doing what I did before I got ruined by him!"


"Yes, him, you doing same things as I did to him and now that's why I fucked up."

"You already fucked me up, look at me, I shouldn't be fucking swearing right now and here I am drinking without my dad's knowledge, wanting to run away with you instead of getting better friends. You already ruined me." He clings onto Yoongi more and sighed, "I am fucked up."

"You don't really understand do you?" He looked away as he realised how close Hoseok is to his face, he couldn't bare the heat coming to his cheeks.

"I can kinda guess, your mum is Homophobic and sort of abusive, your parents are divorced I think and you want to go back to Korea to be with the family member you believe will love you more."

"How did you-" something struck in him, fear and anxiety as he gripped onto Hoseok's shoulders and eyes wondering around looking for answers.

"I done some snooping around, since your room is so messy I guess you forgot to hide what shows your situation, that savings jar that has a bad drawing of the flag and your family photo but it's kinda in shambles. Or maybe English just made me over examine everything."

He shrugged while giving off a dumb look on his face while Yoongi looks down in defeat, his house life seems kinda like a horrible secret he must conceal from the world, but for some reason some weight was lifted off his shoulders when he found out that Hoseok basically figured it out without even need to explain it himself.

He's glad that Hoseok knows it now, he can openly express what's going on from now on without fear of being rejected or neglected.

"You're right, and we're at your house already, bye?" He quickly tried to leave but his wrist was held tightly.

"Forgive me father." Hoseok whispered before pulling him into a kiss.

"You're not forgiven." A deep voice rang which scared the boys off each other and both of their eyes in large shock to see man at the door with arms crossed.


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