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My dear reader.Im sorry but I cant make it anymore(ceh..drama plak)

So.....ya know...I dont to write any story...

I want to write a story but I dont think I will published it anymore.

Sorry for making you wait...and I just gonna give y'all a spoiler about this story.

Baca sebelum terlambat cause I will delete this story soon.


So..the killer is...


Yes and he kill everyone.

But lastly,Jisung kill him and...happy ending? I guess?

But Jisung feel super sad and regret.

So the game....give Chenle a chance.

And akhirnya...dia takdelah terperengkap dalam game tu selama-lamanya.

The End~


Okay readers~ Dont kill me or anything..

I know u guys waste a lot of time reading this book...and Im so sorryy100000000x

Yes....aku wujud lagi dalam ni just malas nak publish buku.

And once again....Im sorry



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2019 ⏰

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