In my Time of Dying

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Light started to come back to his vision.

Pain was all he could feel.

He slowly sat up, causing pain to erupt from his legs. Will looked down to see his right leg was pinned underneath a crumbled part of the fuselage. His left leg had multiple jagged pieces of metal sticking out of it. How it didn't hit an artery he didn't know. But neither one way doing good. He slowly looked over his arms. His right arm was fine save for a few nasty scratches. But his left arm was pinned under a massive like of chairs.

"Oh this isn't good." He said to himself.

"Someone help." He yelled as he looked around for anyone to help. But everyone was either dead, missing or fish food.

The plane shook under him, causing the chairs to tighten their hold on his left arm.

There as multiple things of clothing as well as sharp metal around. He quickly pondered his situation.

"Alright I'm stranded off the coast, on a plane that's unstable, my arm and leg is trapped and my other leg is basically shredded .Any bad ideas." He said to himself.

"okay maybe you can use something as a lever to get your arm and leg out." he looked around but didn't find anything.

"Okay maybe you can make the chairs fall off your arm." He tried to push the chairs with his right arm but nothing more than added weight was done.

He could hear the shattered bone in his left arm as well as more blood come from it.

"Come on think, your going to bleed out if you don't do something." He said to himself.

He looked around to take stock of what he can do and grab.

"Oh this is not gonna be fun." He looked at the belts and sharp piece of aluminum.

He grabbed the belt and tied it just above the elbow of his left arm and almost to the top of his right leg.

"Here goes nothing." He bit the collar of his coat as he started to cut his right leg. The pain was unimaginable but he couldn't stop, he had to keep going. He had to break through the bone to cut all the way through.

He panted in tiredness and pain as he looked at his right stump.

"Here we go again." As he laid eyes apon his left arm. He had to carve away at it. The pain almost felt even worse than the leg. The only saving Grace was that the bone was already broken. We he finished he could finally move.

"The fuck." He looked at his Scewered left leg. He tried to move it to no avail. "Well ain't that just fucking dandy."

The had to drag and wiggle himself out with his one working arm and stumps. It hurt immensely when he had to use the stumps. Blood was everywhere as you made his way to the broken open front section of the plane. The shards of metal in his leg scrapped along the broken and bloody carpet made him wince. He grabbed onto the broken ledge where the cockpit had smashed into something.

He looked to see cracked blue/green crystalline.

"What the hell." He said as he looked through his cracked glasses.

There was a top of what they smashed into. Deciding to go he crawled over the jagged pieces of metal to see a massive crystalline platform. It had a bunch of strange green pads on it, with a large central one in the middle. All of them but one were either cracked or outright broken.

He crawled onto the pad and sprawl his working limb out on the floor. He just sat there bleeding for a few moments before you start to notice his chest starts to hurt as well. "Oh great, possible cracked ribs on top of the list."

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