57. The motive.

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Tash was old enough to sign her own release papers and she was also old enough to let her aunt know that she fucked up.

"Why'd you call the police?" Tash took in a deep breath.

"They told me to call them." Claudia tried to reach out to touch Tash's chin but ended up getting her hand slapped away by a disgruntled Tash.

"Why do you hate the person that I love? She's trying, she's trying so hard." Tash broke down into tears as she thought about Pep.

"They've always wanted a reason to search our house, I could get locked up too." Tash held her forehead from the overwhelming feeling of stress.

"What? Why? Sheka, that girl is bad news. You deserve better." Claudia tried to rationalize the situation, she couldn't understand why her niece had fallen head over heels for the likes of Pep.

"You're one to talk, have you sent Brown home to his wife or are you still hoping that he'll make you the wife?" Tash had venom in her voice and hate in her heart. "You don't know shit so don't speak on shit."

"Let me call them right now and straighten things out." Ray stepped from the back of the room to ease the awkward situation.

"Oh, you've done enough already. Finna buy a brand new iron because ima straighten you the fuck out." Tash narrowed her eyes at Ray. She couldn't believe she really betrayed them after everything they'd been through. Tash was really starting to catch feelings for her but she was glad she fucked up before it got too serious.

"Melody? Get me my phone please." Tash asked the only person she wasn't upset with in the room.

"It didn't come with you," Rayuga said.

"Ain't nobody in this bitch talking to you, bruv!" Tash pointed her gun fingers at Ray before she rolled her eyes and turned back to Melody.

"Mel, lend me your phone and can you get the detective's number from that woman?" Tash didn't spare her aunt a second glance.

Melody nodded her head then walked over to Claudia roughing her up to get the paper from her tight pocket. Handing both the paper and the phone over to Tash, Melody considered dismissing the two from the room but she left the decision to Tash.

"Hello?" Melody looked over at Tash.

"Yes, my name is Tasheka Simmonds. Is this Officer Phillips?" Tash was being cordial and tried to sound as fine as possible despite her raging headache.

"Ah, it's good to know you have woken up. Have you called to explain what happened or would you prefer us to come back to the hospital?" Office Phillips was on his way to their house with Pep in the backseat.

"Actually, I'm not sure what you want to hear but I fainted." Tash explained.

"You fainted? That's all?" Officer Phillips was confused and discouraged, he had been waiting for an opportunity to bring Pep into the station for over 6 months now.

"Yes, I wasn't eating and I ended up falling face forward when I fainted. So no, there was no physical assault other than me assaulting the wall." Tash laughed out at her own joke.

"I see. Were you alone when this happened?" Office Phillips asked.

"Yes, I was." Tash remembered how Pep disappeared for 3 days without contact, it took a toll on her physical and mental health.

"Is there any proof of this?" Officer Phillips asked still hoping that his luck would turn back around.

"Yes, there is. We have cameras in and around the house, footage of the last three days can be sent to you." Tash stifled a cough that threatened her throat.

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