Falling from a large height

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Spooktober. 27

TW- kidnapping and torture


Peter whooped as he swung through the air. He hadn't gone out as spider-man in a while. He just really missed it. He hadn't got to feel the wind in his face in a while. Even though the mask was on.

He went around helping people for hours.
God, he loved his job. He had gotten so much homework lately that he didn't have time. It had been driving him crazy doing his homework and repeatedly glancing at the window. All he wanted to do was grab the suit and swing out of it. It would be so easy. The only problem was that Tony set a bedtime. May had called and told him about his late nights.

Tony gave him a lecture about it and told him he now had a bedtime and if he did Spider-Man, a curfew. Peter had groaned about it, complaining he was 16 and didn't need a bedtime or curfew. His response was only 'Spider-kids need sleep.'

'No they're enhanced beings who are able to take care of themselves,' he'd thought. It turned out the bedtime wasn't too bad. He was always so tired from the long day at school and homework. He fell asleep easily. Plus, it wasn't that early. It was 11:30 or 12:00. He had a choice. (Which he gladly took the later time)

Tony had gotten extremely protective. He acted like a dad. Peter would tease him for it but in reality, he loved it. He missed having a dad or just a male role model in general.

"Hey! Spider-Man!" "Huh?" He turned around but something hit his head and blackness flooded his vision.


Peter's eyes fluttered open. Everything was blurry and really loud. He could hear footsteps from miles away.

He groaned. Why'd his head hurt?

"Heya Spider-Man." "What?" He asked groggily. Wait. He didn't have his mask on. Holy shit he didn't have his mask on!

Even though there was no point, Peter covered his face. "There's no point in that, kid. Everyone's already seen you." "W-What do you mean by everyone?" His voice sounded childish but he couldn't bring himself to care. He didn't have his mask on anyway. This guy said 'everyone' could see he was just a kid. Would they let him go for that? Would they let him go out of pity? In a way, he hoped so.

"Everyone in here. And we're gonna broadcast you, a helpless child as Spider-Man to the world." "No. N-no please. Don't." "Begging already? We haven't even gotten started."

Peter's eyes widened helplessly. All he wanted was for Tony to come save him. 'Please,' he thought. 'Please help me Tony.'

Tony didn't come.
They hurt him.

A lot.

Injuries scattered all over his body. He was in so much pain. Why'd they even torture him? They didn't have a reason. Their chaotic laughter rang in his ears. They seemed to be having... fun. Hurting him. Punching his face. Cutting into his skin.

How long had he been here? Hours? Days?

"Ready Spider-Man?" Peter just looked up in fear and exhaustion.

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