12.Jane & Ellen (5)

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A young man standing beside Jane put his hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly.

???: "that's right, no need to be shy, I know most woman that come here expect for a Male slave but that's no problem, they will soon bring in males."

Jane smiled back but it was filled with disgust.

Jane: "great."

You look up and extend your hand to try and catch one of the tickets, it lands in to your hand and you examine it. The ticket had yellow sides while the middle part was red, the other side was the same but something felt a bit odd about it. It had traces of magic.

I swear, if this lights u-


He snapped his finger and your ticket lit up with bright rainbow colours.

Ellen: "Jane take this, I... Jane?"

She wasn't there so you hid the ticket in your pocket and the man who talked with Jane a second ago noticed it.


???: "she's here! I saw her ticket light up!"

The people in front of you turned around and looked at you.

????: "why are you hiding it."

????: "come on, go take your prize miss."

You tried to drop the ticket in your pocket but it was stuck to your hand.

Oh no.

????: "come on, take it out."

????: "yeah, it's not like you will be killed or something."


You didn't listen to anyone telling you to take it out. Some people looked behind you and backed away, someone was coming. You turned around and looked at the guy who was now in front of you. He had huge muscles but his aura was gentle with no bad intentions, it was one of those guys who seem like they will kill you but they're actually really good people.

???: "I'm sorry for doing this."

These words were the last ones before he gently picked you off the ground and jumped really high in to the air. Both of you landed on the stage in front of all the people that were staring at you. That made you even more shy. The guy that was holding you placed you on the ground and smiled.

???: "good luck."

He left with these words.

???: "you're probably one of the most shyest person that I have met so far."

His voice was normal now that you were here on the stage with him. He came close to you and grabbed your hand and dragged you in to the middle of the stage. You were too shy to even look up at the people and was looking at the ground the whole time.

???: "here."

Someone gently took hold of your hand. You looked to the side and noticed one of the slaves, she was smiling. It was pure happiness, but was she more happy to finally get out or that she got someone that will tell her what to do. You noticed that the loud speaking guy leaned in close to your slaves ear and whispered...

???: "help her get out."

She nods and starts dragging you off the stage. Once you were far away in one of the alleys you stopped walking. She turned around to face you and then pushed you against a wall.

Ellen: "w-what are you doing?!"

Both of her hands were blocking your way of escape, you could use your skills to escape but you didn't want to.

Slave: "this body of yours and that shyness gets me really turned on."

What the hell is wrong with this girl.

Slave: "I'm happy that I'm finally free but the pleasure you can get there from men is addictive, I'm sorry but I can't stop myself now."

She leaned in close and started kissing your neck.

Ellen: "stop!"

You then noticed her hand moving closer to your breasts, you knew what she was about to do but it wasn't the time nor did you want her to do that to you. Almost in an instant she fell unconscious on the ground. You were about to leave but stopped and looked back.

Searching for Jane would be the best option but leaving her here on the ground would be way worse.

Both of the options frustrated you, made you want to scream but you didn't give in.

Jane if you're not hurt and I'm worried for no reason, you will have a lot of explaining to do.

You picked the girl off of the ground and started running in to a safe place which was your house.

Jane's P.O.V.

This view and the screams of pleasure from the slaves in front of you, made you really sick.

I...I have to tell Ellen about this place. You tried to get in to your shadow but you couldn't.

What is going on!? Why wouldn't it work!? Guess I will have to get out the normal way.

You turn around and start to move slowly, listening for whatever sound that you might hear.

You finally got near the exit and escaped. You didn't sense anyone near you in that place, which was weird and suspicious until...

???: "did you escape?"

I can hear his voice but I can't sense him!

???: "did you not enjoy the pleasure that was given there?"

You felt his hands on your shoulder from behind you and tried to use your shadows but it still didn't work.

???: "you should relax and I will take care of everything."

Something hit you in the head and you felt yourself hit the ground.

???: "rest for a little."

He was gone again.

Is he trying to hide himself...from...me...?
You woke up and looked at the place you were in.

Comfortable bed....clean room...no chains or torture tools... What is this guy up to?

You jumped out of the bed and walked to a door which was unlocked.

What does this guy think I am? A princess that can't take care of herself?

When you opened it, you found a girl sitting in a chair. She stood up and bowed.

???: "come with me, he's waiting for you."

She turned around and started walking.

You can act nice all you want but I can feel it, this ominous presence in you.

You followed her while looking around. This hallway had so many doors to go through and the colour of the walls changed every ten metres.

???: "you're probably wondering why?"

Jane: "huh?"

You turn your attention to her and only now notice that she was staring at you the whole time.

???: "why these walls have different colours?"

She turned her head to where she was going after she asked you that.

Jane: "y...yeah."

???: "I'll explain..."