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Indigo was screaming and so was I.

"Where am I?" he screamed and I could hear him thrashing around, but I still couldn't see him.

The rain was still pouring down on us, still soaking us to the bone but I didn't care. Indigo was alive! Indigo was alive! Indigo was alive!

It worked.

Tears of joy were streaming down my face as I rocketed forward, blindly searching for him.

"Indigo!" My hands fumbled forward, till I grasped something boney - his ankle maybe?

Indigo stopped screaming long enough to ask, "Lavender?"

I broke out into a smile. "It's me."

"What are you doing here? Where are we? What's going on?" Something was wrong with his voice, but I couldn't tell what.

My eyes finally cleared long enough that I could make out the vague image of his face.

It was filled with horror.

I sat back on my heels in shock. He was ... scared?

Indigo swallowed and his eyes darted around. They flitted back to me before they moved on.

"What - what's going on?" Indigo finally got out, "The last thing I remember was walking into the kitchen and reaching down to pick up the rose vines when they - they suddenly-" he broke off as he started to hyperventilate.

I scooted forward to put my arms around him. He immediately sagged into me as he started to sob. "Indigo! Indigo, it's alright. It's alright. I saved you."

Indigo pulled back, his face scrunched up. "You saved me? What the fuck does that mean?"

I smiled gently. "You ... well, you died-"

"I died?" he interrupted, his face aghast.

"But I brought you back!" I quickly put in.

I reached out for him again but he flinched back. He was breathing hard. His hand wandered up to his head and he felt the nail. His eyes widened and he immediately grasped it and pulled it straight out, yelping as he did so. I grimaced at the sound it made coming out, but the wound immediately began mending itself. I guess the magic was still coursing through him.

He glanced down at his body and noticed the blood and began checking for wounds, but he didn't find any. That, it seemed, freaked him out more.

He finally looked up at me, his face cautious. "What are you?"

My breath caught in my throat. "I - I can't tell you."

His face contorted into a snarl. "You can't tell me? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

I looked away. "It's against the rules."

He shook his head and grabbed my arm, pulling me towards him. I've never seen him look so mad before. "You don't get to tell me that I was dead and that you brought me back without telling me how. Tell. Me."

I swallowed but began to speak. "If I tell you then you'll be in danger."

"Tell me anyway," he demanded.

I hesitated for a moment before deciding that he had a right to know. "I'm ... well, I'm a witch."

He blinked. "You're a witch?"

I nodded.

"What? You have a broomstick or something? You cast spells?"
I shook my head. "It doesn't work that way."

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