38 | Bryce The Saver

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"-Nikolas, please! Don't leave us!"

The little me sobbed. Watching my mom cry her heart out for the one man she loves, really broke my heart. From my place by the window, I could see my mama begging for my papa to stay...to not leave us. The pain in her eyes...

My aunt Nise, holding back her tears, held my mama back from going after papa.

But my papa didn't even look back. Instead, he got into the car with the woman he's been cheating with and they sped off. My papa left without a word...without an explanation...without a glance. But his actions spoke louder... he doesn't want us anymore.

"-Nikolas!" My mama screamed in agony, falling to her knees on the sidewalk while my aunt hugged her. I couldn't see my mama in pain so I ran off into the forest.

It was Autumn season. Everything is dying. But it was beautiful. How can death look so beautiful...

I don't understand...why papa would do mama like that. My mom... she is so beautiful and kindhearted. She's the nicest person ever. She didn't deserve that pain.

I let go of the tears I was holding back, silently sobbing in the forest. My papa not only left my mom...he left me and my brother.


I look up when I heard someone approaching me. Many people call me Angel, but there's this one person who says it so differently.

Its him.


hya ♧

"Why can't I take her with me?" I ask Alejandro once we made it back to Alyssa's bedroom. The girl still hasn't waken up from her coma. I wish she could just wake up so we could leave together.

Maria called. She will be coming for me with the money they wanted. From what I learned from Alejandro, Paulo is a crazy guy. He wants money. He wants power. He wants to surpass Alejandro in everything. Apparently, his father- the former boss- seemed to like Alejandro more than his own son. So Paulo is, kinda maybe, jealous.

"Because," Alejandro says.

"Because isn't a good enough answer, Alejandro. " I utter with a frown.

"I am not letting her go back to those bad people." He answered, glancing at me real quick.

I stay quiet. What does he mean by that? Who are these bad people?

He sits down on the side of the bed, arranging the comforter. I stand beside him and gasp when I saw a tear rolling down Alyssa's face.

Alejandro saw it too and he squeezed her hand gently.

"Why do you care so much about her?" I ask quietly.

Alejandro doesn't answer. He just stands up and tells me to follow him out when he saw a message on his phone. I look at him in confusion but follow him to the door just as the two maids came in. They greeted him and smiled at me.

The older one grabbed my hand, smiling, "Take care."

"Thank you...please. Take care of her," I gesture to Alyssa, still hoping she'd wake up already while I'm still here.

"Always," The maid reassures me before heading to the bed and Alejandro leads me outside. I cock a brow at him when he doesn't make a move to leave the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask him when he stands there and two guys start making their way towards me.

"My face cannot be seen. My men will escort you to whoever is here to save you. Take care, flower. It was nice getting to know you in a short amount of time." Alejandro tells me genuinely.

"Wow, that was the longest thing you've ever told me." I smile widely. What I said made him smile and I dont know why but my heart fluttered at the sight of it.

Oh no. That's not good.

"Go now," He said and his men make a move to lead me away, but for some reason I didn't want to go anymore.

I stay rooted in my place, "Will I ever see you again?"

"I thought you hated bad guys," He reminds me.

"Well, are you?" I asked him.

He just gazes at me, not answering my question while I just continue looking at him. I was trying to memorize his face. I might never see him again. I will surely miss him. He wasn't like I thought he was.

"Sir, Angel is awake!" The maids shouted.

Alyssa! She's awake. I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't. Alejandro closed the door after bidding me farewell. His men started dragging me away while I protested. But no matter how much I tried, I couldn't escape them.

I now stood behind closed doors. After they knocked, the doors opened and Paulo stood there with a disgusting smile.

"There she is," Paulo said, drinking wine.

"Maria-" I cut myself off when I noticed it wasn't Maria who had come to save me.

"Hya, you're okay." Bryce said once he neared me, looking for any injury. He's not gonna find anything. Alejandro made sure I was okay during my stay here. No harm.

"Let's go home," Bryce said, grabbing my arm.

I was going to tell him that Alyssa was alive but then Paulo said something that made me want to kill him even more.

"Not so fast." Paulo said. His men start heading for Bryce and I.

"What now?" I snap at him in anger. "Didn't he already give you what you wanted?"

"He did. But," He chuckles, "I know he has more in the bank. I want it ALL!"

Bryce pulls me behind him, saying, "Stop! We are getting out of here. "

"No, you're not. Call your wife and tell her to bring what's left in the bank." Paulo smiled, coming up to us with a gun in his hand.

How I wish Alejandro was here...

"She has 1 hour to do it. If you fail to do so, I will kill you both." Paulo added before laughing so loud. He looked crazy.

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