#26 Wide Awake

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   Thomas sits beside Emily's bed, waiting for her to wake up. He interlocks his hand with hers and rubs it gently.

   "Emily..." Thomas calls softly, not sure if Emily hears or not. He sighs as he thinks that she didn't respond to him.

   "Hey," Stephen walks into the room, still in his white coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

   Thomas lifts up his head and smiles at Stephen.

   "Where are the others?" Stephen asks, looking around the room.

   "They went to the cafeteria," replies Thomas.

   Stephen nods and walks forward to take a seat beside Thomas. He glances at his worried face and then says, "She'll wake up soon". He knows that he shouldn't say that, but he can't stand watching his family live in distress.

   "When? Next year?" Thomas snaps, earning a sigh from Stephen. "The doctor said that she had a pretty serious brain injury that made her fall into a coma. I know that she's just sleeping, but I can't watch her lying in bed all day. I want to see her being active too!" he continues, pouring his feelings out to Stephen.

   "I know. But, you need to stop worrying too much. It's not good for your health either," Stephen says calmly and stands up to go to the other side of the bed.

   Thomas huffs in annoyance after hearing Stephen's statement. He watches Stephen staring at the patient monitor, probably looking at Emily's progress. He doesn't really know how to read that thing. He just knows that if there's a constant straight line while the machine keeps beeping, it means the patient is dead. He hopes that it will never happen to Emily. Then, he spots something moving at the corner of his eyes. He gasps softly as he notices it.

   "Stephen! Look," Thomas calls and points at Emily's fingers that slowly twitch.

   "She's waking up," Stephen states and smiles at Thomas. He then moves to check the monitor.

   "Emily?" Thomas stands up and stares at Emily's face as her eyes start to open and blink.

   The door of the room opens and it reveals Andrew, Sarah and William standing in the doorway. The three of them enter, followed by Elizabeth, Sam and Grace.

   "What's going on?" Andrew asks as he saw Stephen taking off the oxygen mask from Emily's face.

   "Emily's awake," Thomas says, making Andrew's eyes brighten up.

   Emily is now sitting upright in bed, looking at the people in front of her who are wearing an expression of delight. She gives all of them a flinty stare.

   "Are you feeling better now, Emily?" Andrew comes closer and looks into his daughter's emotionless eyes.

   "How did you know my name? W-who are you?" Emily furrows her eyebrows.

   This time, all of them wear a shocked expression. They look at each other while Stephen exits the room to search for Emily's doctor.

   "Are you being serious, Emily? You...you don't know me?" Andrew asks in wide-eyed gaze.

   "No," Emily says softly and looks down, feeling embarrassed that everyone in front of her is staring at her disbelievingly. After that, she moves her gaze to Thomas and stares at him for a long time before averting her eyes. Thomas frowns at her. It's hurt when she looked at him in the way like he's a stranger to her.


   "Your daughter has amnesia," the doctor says to Andrew.

   "Is it permanent?" asks Andrew. Sarah, who is sitting beside him rubs his hand reassuringly.

   "I'm not sure. I'll just have to run a few tests for her to identify what type of amnesia she has."

   "Is it because of her brain injury?" Sarah asks curiously.

   "Yes, severe head injury can affect the brain and for this case, the area of the brain which called hippocampus that stores and develops memories. We just have to find out what type of amnesia that she has and then we can conclude if it is permanent or temporary," the doctor explains.

   Andrew and Sarah nod at the doctor and thank him.


   "What is your name again?" Emily asks William who is sitting beside her bed with Thomas, Elizabeth, Sam and Grace.

   "My name is William. This is your twin, Thomas and those are your younger siblings, Elizabeth, Sam and Grace," William points at himself and the other four.

   "I have a twin?" Emily blinks her eyes and stares at Thomas.

   "Yes, I'm your twin," Thomas waves his hand at Emily.

   "So, who's older? Me or you?" Emily asks excitedly.

   "Uh... I'm not so sure," says Thomas. Honestly, he really doesn't know and he forgot to ask his father about it. Perhaps he will ask later.

   "Who is the green-eyed doctor?" Emily suddenly speaks after shutting her mouth for a few seconds.

   "Green-eyed doctor?" William rubs his chin confusingly.

   "The first doctor that I saw when I woke up."

   "Oh! Did you mean Stephen? Ahh.. The green-eyed doctor is our eldest brother!" William beams.

   "I have a brother who is a doctor?" Emily puts her hands on her cheeks and widens her eyes, causing William and Thomas to stare at her in confusion and worry.

   "Wow! That's so cool!" Emily exclaims and clasps her hands together. William and Thomas nod at her and smile. Although she suffers memory loss she still has her cheerful character.

   Suddenly, the door opens and Emily sees four people who seem like they are in the same age as her entering the room. There are two girls and two boys walking towards her with a genuine smile on their faces. She stares at them one by one and when her gaze stops on a boy that she really knows, she gasps softly and slightly closes her mouth with her hand.





Emily has amnesia! That's why she had a dream that her new family members start disappearing. That means they are no longer in her memories. But, what about Harry? Why does she remember him?

To be continued.. 😙

Thank you very much for reading ~!
I adore you all !!! 💕

Bye-bye !! Love you ~! ❤💙💜

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