scene 51- lies

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He had walked far enough. He sat down on the ground and sighed.

They didn't realize that something was wrong. They just acted like he would be fine. He thought they'd be more welcoming. But no, they barely reacted. That's like seeing a friend die, then come back to life, and you don't even acknowledge it. You just act bored.

Fake friends.

They were probably happy that he was gone. They were probably upset because they didn't want him to come back.

And Wind.
Wind seemed completely uninterested. He seemed like a completely different person.

Did he do that? Was it his fault? Probably.

He blinked.

It was definitely his fault.

He blinked again.

He did this.

Tears formed in his eyes, making everything blurry.

They were sad because of him.

He blinked.

They didn't like him.

A tear rolled down his cheek.

They hated him.

Another tear.
And another.
And another.
And another.
The fell like rocks in a landslide.
What a stupid simile.

He was alone.
Nobody liked him.
It couldn't hurt to hurt himself.
And by it couldn't hurt, he of course meant that it wouldn't affect anyone else.
Because they didn't care.
Why should they care?

Twilight pretended to care.
But he probably only wanted to protect Wind from him.
From his bad decisions.
From his stupidity.
From rubbing off on him.

And the others were no better.
They barely even pretended to care.

And Zelda...

He himself didn't even care.
Why should he?
He was just a waste of space.
A waste of resources.

So he took out the knife.
And he rolled down his sleeve.
And he unwrapped the bandages.
And he took a deep breath.
And he cut.


Wild heard footsteps, so he quickly put the knife away and wiped away the blood on his arm.

He pretended to be examining the "scrape" on his arm.

"Hey, Wild, you okay?"
It was Twilight. Of course.
"What do you think?"
"I... You aren't. What are you doing?"
"Looking at my arm. Seeing if I need to change the bandages."
"Those scars... how many times did you do it before?"

He knew what Twilight was talking about. What if he knew? He probably knew. He'd be demanding that Wild give him the knife any moment now.
"Um... that doesn't matter."
He turned his arm so the cuts weren't facing out, and he wrapped the bandage back up.

"It was a lot, wasn't it?"
Wild nodded.
"Why? Why did you do it?"
"I... don't know... I was upset, I guess. Anyway-" he stood up, now speaking louder- "Let's go back."

He turned around and walked back to camp, Twilight following close behind.

Wild didn't realize it, but Twilight did.
The pocket knife was sticking out of his pocket a little.
So he was doing it again.
Why did he hide so much?
Why did he do this to himself?


They sat down at the table, and after a moment of awkward silence, Wild tried to start a conversation.
"So, um, how are you guys? What have you been doing?"
Legend was the first to answer. "I'm pretty good. Wind, not so much."
He looked over a Wind, who was now lying on the ground, arms outstretched and legs on top of the log that he was leaning on before.

"I can sympathize with him. I feel like that sometimes. I mean, I used to."
Wild smiled.
Wind tipped his head back and looked at him. "Sorry."
"Sorry what?"
He relaxed his head and looked back up at the sky before sitting up. He stood up and turned to face Wild. He walked forward and hugged him, resting his head on the right side of his chest.

Wind remembered. He remembered where the stab wound was. Of course, he didn't know that it would still be there. He just didn't want to touch the spot where it was. And Wild understood.

He hugged him back and rested his chin on Wind's head. He heard a muffled voice as Wind spoke.
"I'm really sorry about what I said before. I didn't mean it. I was just in a bad mood. I know that doesn't excuse what I said, but... well, I don't know how to apologize properly. I said something bad. I shouldn't have said it. I don't want you to be dead. I don't think any of us do."
He looked up, a small smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Wild looked down at him and whispered,
"I forgive you."

Wind's smile grew and he buried his face in Wild's chest again.
"Thank you."


Wild was sitting at the table with Wind on his lap. Wind was looking down at his hands. He still looked sad, but he was smiling now.

He looked up at Wild and asked,
"So, when are you gonna tell us your story?"

Twilight glared at him.
"Wind! I told you-"
Wild interrupted him.
"No, it's fine. A question doesn't bother me. But no. I won't tell you my story. Not yet."
"That's not what I asked-"
Wind interrupted himself and sighed.

Wild gently pushed Wind, who got off of his lap so he could stand up.
"Welp, I'll go to bed. Good night."
He walked away towards the sleeping bags. He found his own already unrolled, right next to Wind's. He noticed that Wind's bag was still rolled up. His own sleeping bag was open and wrinkled, as if someone had slept in it.

He climbed into it and looked up at the sky. It was beginning to go from pink to purple.

He sighed. Keeping secrets was tiring.

He watched the sky go from pink to purple to blue until he saw that someone was walking over. He turned away and rested his head on his hands. He closed his eyes, but he didn't fall asleep for what felt like another hundred years.

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