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"Jackie's visiting today and Henrik is back from overseas. Isn't this awesome? Marvin's back from travelling to find his magic core or whatever and Chase is home all week this week."

Anti was not thrilled. It was rare for all the egos to be in one place at the same time, especially at home.

"You guys can finally have a family photo. Wait does it classify as a family photo all of you are from the one person-"

"Get me up when everyone's left." Before he curled up in his blankets, you pulled his sheets so he'd drop onto the floor.

"No way mister, I'm not letting you guys miss another chance just because you don't want to participate." Anti got up and stared at you. "Look, there only so many windows of opportunity we can do this. I'll be with you the entire time. Heck, you don't even have to socialise all that much, just be there for the photo at least so we have at least one piece of  photographic evidence of you guys being together."

With a grudging sigh, Anti went with you down stairs to sit on one of the stools in the kitchen and waited with you 'til everyone arrived.


"Jackie you're finally here." You looked around at everyone. All the egos finally back under one house. The positivity was comfortable in the lounge room. All of them were talking about travels and other stories. Let's just hope it stayed that way when Anti gets thrown into the mix.

Discreetly, you make your way to the kitchen to grab your glitchy friend. "This isn't going to work. Seriously, you can still keep the reunion going smoothly, I'll just head back to my room."

"It's not a reunion unless everybody's there." You had a vice grip on his arm. He could easily teleport out of it but, it was because of you that he didn't. "Hey everybody look who I manage to get out of bed?"

As soon as Anti entered the room, you felt the air turn stale and still. It was quiet as everybody had halted their conversation. "C'mon  guys, why all the long faces?" The attempt to lighten the mood had failed.

"Look, I'm only here for a photo then I'll stop bothering you with my presence." His voice was cold and unfeeling.

"Anti that's not helping-"

"It's ok." Chase spoke up. He was in the corner nursing a cold one. "He never sticks around for long anyways. But that's all it takes doesn't it?"


"No! Because of that bastard, my kids and wife are gone!"

"That was all you Chase, your stupid habits did that, I just fed off it!"  Anti's demonic side started to show, grinning and wide eyed.

Jackie came in between them. "Come on, that's all in the past-"

"And what did you do about it Jackie!? You and Marvin went and hid!" Anti's laugh becoming echoing through the room as Chase shouted at the man in red.

"So much for justice, Hero."

"Guys relax-

Jackie went right up to Anti eyes crackling with power. "Don't test me."

Anti leaned forward, your grip on him now gone. "Go ahead. You hold no power against me." Then he just giggled and his voice dropping a few octaves. 

"You're all just weaklings to me anyway."

Arguments started between everyone. Voices onto top of voices and you had enough

"ENOUGH!!!" Your yell snaps everyone out of it. Anti clicks his tongue in disgust and vanishes while the others stay silent looking at you.

You eyes were threatening to spill out tears.

"One photo people, one goddamn picture and you couldn't even do that."

You run up the stairs to your room and locked the door.

You were crying when Anti come through your laptop.

He sat in front of you. "Go ahead and say it. 'I told you this was a bad idea.' I deserve it. I was stupid to think it would work."

He leaned back and stared at the roof. "You're not stupid. You just wanted everyone to be together that's not to hard to understand."

You look away from him. "Still it ended up a disaster." You got up and wiped any remaining tears. "Whatever. I'm going to bed."


The next day, everyone had gone back to what ever they were doing and the house felt some what sparse. Your hair was a mess and your eyes red.

It was well into the afternoon when you got up but you didn't particularly care. Heading to the fridge you notice some hanging on it. You got closer and realise that it was a picture of all the boys together.

You turned around see most of them there in the kitchen.

Jack nudged Chase forward. "We really sorry we mad you upset. I shouldn't of provoked him but I was- and still am- really mad at him."

Jameson stepped forward. "Anti explained it to us and a bit of a fight broke out, but we managed to get a decent explanation."

"You've done do much for this family, simply by being here. And as a token of our thanks we all got together and took the photo you so desperately wanted. Jackie, Marvin and Doc aren't here right now, but they also wanted us to say thank you in their stead." Jack smiled as he finished.

You looked down at the photo and frowned. "You took it in my room when I was asleep?"

"Well, you're part of this family too and we wanted it to be surprise."

You started tearing up at the sheer sweetness they went through. You all came in for one big group hug and squeezed them all tight.

"I still hate your guts, Anti."

"Fuck you Chase."


Done!! Been a while since I did a long one. I might make a picture for Halloween, but I hope you enjoyed it and for some it might of hit a little close to home, I'm sorry, I just wanted to get this off my chest because it was really bugging me.

(You know how hard this was for me to keep it genderless? ARGHHHH!!!! But I succeeded.)

It's bothering me, sorry-- 997, 998, 999, 1000 words.

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