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3 unread text messages

from days before.

i'd finally gained

the courage to


From: him

this is stupid, you wanted to know why i did it? i did it because i love you.

6:03 pm.

2 new text message

From: him

i love you. i know that i've never said that to you before. and i know that you could find someone better for you, better than me. but, just so you know, i love you so much it hurts and when you're mad at me like this, it kills. it makes me wonder if calling that therapist was a good idea.

6:05 pm.

1 new text message
From: him

why won't you answer me? can't you see that i did this to help you? let me in, please?

6:51 pm.


with shaky fingers, i dialed your number.

and it went straight to voicemail,

i'd stayed there and listened to your smooth yet ch op py


i'd never felt more pathetic.

my phone vibrates in my hands, and through the blur and crack of the screen, i still manage to read your text.

my heart

s k i p s

a beat.

for hours, i laid in bed

admiring the way you

didn't care that you weren't supposed to care.

you just cared.

1 new text message
From: him

the teachers said you were out sick.

you never call in sick.

7:12 pm.


i'm sorry.

saved in drafts.

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