Author's Note

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Hey guys, this Daoist received an enlightenment with the help of other book so this Daoist decided to write this story.

This daoist forgot the name of the book that this daoist once read. So if any of you know about it, please tell this daoist about it.

Also, this story took place on a parallel world where there are mages, ninjas, cultivators, and etc.

There might even be some famous actor/actress and singers that would be added to this story, especially koreans, for this daoist quite like them a bit, just below games which is below anime.

Also, please enlighten this Daoist as to what came first, Dinosaurs? Or Humans? Were there even humans that exist in Jurassic period? This daoist is curious.

This daoist is quite dumb in terms of history and science, so please just bear with this daoist for a while and ignore if this daoist theories or the like is wrong.

That is all.

This daoist shall now bid you all farewell.

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