Chapter 19 - Warmth in the Swamp

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After BaiLouYin finished eating, he shouted across, "Your wife let you come to this dangerous place!?"

"My wife?" GuHai had forgotten who BaiLouYin was referring to as his wife.

"What wife?" he yelled back.

BaiLouYin shouted again, "aren't you engaged now?"

"Engaged my ass." GuHai had just realized that BaiLouYin assumed he is an engaged man. So he roared back, "If I really got engaged, then why would I go through this hardship? I could pass my days as usual and won't even care if you rot in the mud!!"

BaiLouYin's heart suddenly felt relieved.

"You didn't get engaged? Then why did you give me an invitation for? Are you trying to mess with me?"

"Yes, I purposely did that to test you idiot!!!"

BaiLouYin stood up and angrily yelled, "You are so cruel!!"

"I am cruel?" GuHai replied back. "Then your girlfriend is not cruel, if she's not cruel then how come she didn't come to find you, huh?"

Although BaiLouYin had on a fierce face, in reality, his heart felt overjoyed.

"She is just an ordinary girl, how can she come to this place?"

GuHai is angry, "So a lord like me is treated like a donkey? If I fall into a pit, wrapped in mud, then I deserve it? You look at how many lords are willing to come look for you? What about your so-called comrades? And where's that kid that brought you dumplings, lying on your bed?"

As BaiLouYin listened to GuHai's barrage of outburst from the opposite side, he was momentarily speechless. Then he can't help but shouted, "You take a break!"

GuHai temporarily shut up.

In between them is a large swamp, on top of it bursting with bubbles. All the surrounding area is covered with fog. The two sat cross-legged looking like two high-level monks cultivating. After calming down, the two stared at each other for a long time, their hearts slowly gush a complex feeling.

BaiLouYin opened his mouth again and asked, "Actually, how did you come here?"

In such a cold season in this large swamp, even with a little carelessness one may not be able to get out.

Once GuHai heard this, he bitterly shouted out two words to the other side.

"Qing Gong1 (martial arts)!!"

1 Qing Gong: Chinese martial arts technique for making the body extremely light in weight by altering the distribution and flow of qi. It is usually exaggerated that these martial artists have the ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed, and perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces, scaling high walls and mounting trees. GuHai is probably referencing these exaggerated moves to come to this place.

BaiLouYin laughed hysterically until his eyes are teary. Why ask this question when his heart already knew the answer? So many years have passed, his appearance had changed, his profession had changed, his identity had changed, the way he did things had changed ...... the only thing that had not change was his heart toward himself, just like walking on hot charcoal, steaming hot, supporting himself through these hot and cold eight years.

BaiLouYin sprawled on the ground, looking at the foggy sky, his mood is very clear.

GuHai watched the person on the other side, lying there so comfortably. Then he looked at his side of the ground, it was not even two feet long and below is the mud trap. Finally, he shouted, "I'm coming over!"

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