Epilogue 3 - A Dead Loss

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Translated by Fingers and Paws and edits by RosySpell

Note: A dead loss is the Chinese idiom for the chapter's title is 雞飛蛋打, which literally means the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss

Regarding the question on who would be going first, the two followed the traditional method – a game of rock-papers-scissors.

As proven by facts, GuHai was indeed no match for BaiLuoYin in terms of finger guessing games. Other people relied on luck to play this game, but BaiLuoYin relied on psychological tactics. He only needed to take a look at GuHai's face before choosing his pick, and he could essentially guess what GuHai would choose.

Expectedly, BaiLuoYin won. He would play the role of the groom while GuHai would play the role of the bride.

GuHai leaned against the wall submissively, bending at a ninety degrees angle. BaiLuoYin stood behind him and took out his armed 'little YinZi,' starting on his path to conquest.

With just a little thrust, the crowd surrounding them erupted in boisterous cheers.

BaiLuoYin searched a while trying to feel things out. He realized that the gel substance tied behind GuHai butt didn't feel hard to the touch but it won't be an easy feat to penetrate it. The material that it was made of was unknown. It had strong elasticity and required a huge amount of strength to even create a hole when thrusting into it. However within a second of pulling back, this thing would change back into its original form. The next time he thrust in it, he would still need the same amount of strength just to create another hole.

Therefore, in order to successfully penetrate it, it would require both strength as well as speed.

After BaiLuoYin realized this trick, he started his mighty attack. The team of groomsmen on the side would howl at each thrust, shocking YanYaJing who was standing beside them. Regardless of how X-rated this scene was, and considering that this was the man that she had a crushed on for five years, it was shocking for her to see that there would be a time when he would be submissively under someone's control.

"You forgot to yell the catchphrase!" YangMeng reminded on the side.

BaiLuoYin stopped while sweating profusely. He turned his head towards YangMeng, "What's the catchphrase?"

YouQi reminded faintly behind the video recorder, "You know. It's... is it in already......"

It suddenly dawned on BaiLuoYin. He armed his gun and went into the battlegrounds again, the grounds that he had captured earlier on had become sealed shut again. BaiLuoYin was about to go crazy. What was the heck is this thing made up of? How could it solidify so fast?

Without any choice, BaiLuoYin had to start all over again.

Again, it was another burst of strong swinging movements with his waist, this time BaiLuoYin remembered the rules and kept asking GuHai from time to time, "Is it in already?"

Luckily GuHai's back was strong. If it was other people, they would have been slammed into the wall a long time ago. He wanted very much to remind BaiLuoYin, this method you're using is wrong, it is exhaustive but ineffective. You need to find the trick to do it right! Of course GuHai wouldn't say this out loud. Because if he had really allowed BaiLuoYin to understand this concept, he would lose the only thing that he could take advantage of.

Hence, GuHai could only say, "Thrust harder!"

Unexpectedly, the usually strict and careful LiuChong spoke on the side, "You forgot to say a word in front."

"Right, you have to add the word."

Thus, the usually commanding and condescending Mr. GuHai, under the pressuring gazes of the seven people, had no choice but to delicately open his thin lips to say, "Husband...... thrust harder!"

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