XIII. Vague

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Mark was restless, seated on the edge of his bed, staring at the sleeping brown haired boy. He was trying to contain himself because fuck, Gun looked so inviting as he laid defenseless beside him.

Mark stood up and began pacing back and forth trying to get those unholy thoughts out of his head. He then decided to sit down again, this time on his black gaming chair. From his desk, he took out a cigarette stick, putting it in between his lips and lighting it.

Mark exhaled after taking a long drag, cigarette smokes coming out of both his mouth and nose. It has been a couple minutes now since they arrived and he still can't get over the fact that the boy he likes was inside his room, wearing his clothes, and breathing the same air as him. If Mark had been his usual self he had already fucked him senseless by now.

But that's the problem though, Mark has not been himself for the past... couple of weeks? Months maybe? He doesn't even know when it started, but he's sure Gun was the reason for it all. He was just too caught up with Gun and whatever enchantment he seemed to possess.

If there is one thing Mark was sure of though, its that Gun reminded him so much of his mother. They were both victims of this cruel world, too selfless to fight for their own good and Mark can't stand seeing that. Not again, not ever again. Mark won't allow the same fate of his mother to befall Gun. He was stronger now and this time, he will make sure to save the one he loved the most.

The next thing Mark knew was waking up with a stiff neck and a sore left shoulder. How did he even managed to fall asleep on his gaming chair? But it didn't matter because right now, Mark was having a minor heart attack as he scanned his whole room and not seeing a mop of brown hair. Did Gun left already? But why did he not tell him? What if he went back to his new family and they hurt him again? Fuck no.

"P'Gun?" Mark shouted as he sprinted down the flight of stairs. He was about to open the door and leave the house when his brother called him.

"Hey! You're looking for your friend?" Saint asked which put Mark into a halt.

He turned towards him, looking confused. "What do you know?"

"He's with me. Were eating breakfast." Saint replied before motioning for Mark to check out the dining hall. "I heard you shout so I knew you were looking for him."

Mark looked at his older brother with eyes full of doubt as he walked past by him. Saint better not fuck around because he has no time for his bullshits.

"Good morning?" Mark was immediately relieved when an unsure voice followed by an awkward smile greeted him as soon as he entered the hall.

"Good morning," Mark greeted back, his facial expression softens at the sight of his P'Gun.

"I saw him getting out of your room earlier so I asked him to eat with me," Saint spoken out of nowhere as he was walking back to his seat. "Lets eat together Nong."

Mark had always hated that sickly sweet smile of his brother. He's not even sure if he's doing it on purpose knowing that it annoys him so much or he's just genuinely a sweet person.

Anyways, he should not miss this chance to eat breakfast together with his Phi, not even with the annoying Saint around.

The boys ate in silence. Gun wasn't talking as much as he usually would. Mark thought that maybe the older boy just doesn't want to talk about last night in front of others and he totally understands that.

All of a sudden, Mark's phone rang and it was none other than Kris. Mark immediately excuses himself as he answered his phone.

"Are you with my brother?" Was the first thing he heard as soon as the line connected. This bitch sure doesn't beat around the bush.

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